Settlers Beta has Started!

Chase Adam
Published in
2 min readJul 2, 2021

Settlers from across the globe are congregating on the bank of the Euphrates, where they’re pitching their tents and beginning to build a better way to invest in DeFi together.

🏰 Access to Beta is invite-only and invites are sent by transferring the Ishtar Gate NFT. If you connect to the dApp on with the NFT in your wallet, the Ishtar Gates will open and you’ll be welcomed into Babylon.

We are sending invites in three rounds:

  1. In the first round, which started today, we are inviting community members who have contributed to the project in Discord. These invites will continue to be sent over the coming weeks.
  2. In the second round, which will start in approximately a month, anyone will be able to apply for access in Discord and Settlers will be selected by community vote. Exact details will be shared in Discord later this month.
  3. In the third round, which will start in the next few months, we will invite everyone on the waitlist in the order they signed up.

🌱 Settlers will be able to create the first Gardens in Babylon and invite up to 100 people to join — enabling them to deposit capital, submit investment Strategies, vote on Strategies, and share the rewards. Battle-testing a new protocol is risky and Settlers should expect to encounter challenges along the way.

💰 In exchange for their dedication, Settlers will have the opportunity to earn $BABL (once the $BABL Rewards Program is initiated by community vote) and claim prime Garden real estate prior to public launch.

The purpose of limiting access to Beta is not to be exclusionary — it’s to reduce risk and enable us to improve the protocol in a controlled way. As soon as the team and early Settlers think the protocol is ready, we’ll open to the public.

If you’re interested in joining the Settlers Beta:

In the words of Arkad, the poor scribe who is now the creator of the largest Garden in Babylon, “Wealth, like a tree, grows from a tiny seed.”

Safe journeys on the road to Babylon. We’re excited to welcome you at the gates when you arrive and help your Gardens grow.

