Beyond Moon

Published in
6 min readAug 19, 2023

Soon our Chandrayaan-3 will reach the Moon planet. But have you ever tried to know what’s beyond the moon? Let’s take a tour of space by Indian scripture’s spaceship.

Many of us are fascinated to know about space. Also we’re praying that this time the project gets successful (chandrayaan-3). But have you ever tried to know the distance & planets in this universe. We only know which is so called discovered by our scientists.

Today, I’ll take to you on a journey of space. This information about space which today I’ll share is nowhere seen by a telescope or satellite. It’s given in our Great Indian Scriptures and with absolute calculations, that too thousands of years back. Also about the living entities on these planets, some called them as aliens.

To understand easily we need to divide the space in two parts. First upper planetary system (above the earth), and second lower planetary system (below the earth).

Upper Planetary Systems


Many of you think that it’s impossible to live on sun because of it’s extreme hot waves. But if I say that their too are living beings present and also a king named Vivasvān, who rules the planet. Yes, it’s true. And sun planet is twice the size of earth and the distance between earth and sun is 100,000 yogana. Sun is above the earth.


Moon is twice as big as of sun, which means four times bigger than the earth. And it’s 100,000 yogana above the sun. Now just imagine, in such a large planet, where we humans are trying to go and land on a small piece of land. And depending on that basis we’re trying to understand whether there’s water & life on this planet. It’s like looking small area of a ocean and from that making the predictions. On moon there’s too life. Humans staying on this planet are known as Demigods. They live longer than humans.


There innumerable stars in the space & they are illuminated by the light of sun. And these stars are 200,000 yogana above the moon planet. So imagine how much far are they from the earth.


Venus planet is 1,600,000 miles above this group of stars is the planet Venus, which moves at almost exactly the same pace as the sun according to swift, slow and moderate movements. Venus nullifies the influence of planets that are obstacles to rainfall. Consequently its presence causes rainfall, and it is therefore considered very favorable for all living beings within this universe.


Mercury is described to be similar to Venus, It is 1,600,000 miles above Venus. Mercury, which is the son of the moon, is almost always very auspicious for the inhabitants of the universe.


This planet is the ultimate destination of major space scientists. Now beyond mars there’s a very little that the scientist have discovered. Situated 1,600,000 miles above Mercury.


Jupiter planet is 1,600,000 miles above Mars. If its movement is not curved, the planet Jupiter is very favorable to the brāhmaṇas of the universe.


Situated 1,600,000 miles above Jupiter. This planet is always very inauspicious for the universal situation.

Now till above planets some who the human made satellites have reach and could take the pictures of these planets. But there’s beyond it. It might be impossible for humans to reach artificially beyond it. But Indian Scriptures explains it in very details manner.

Polestar (Dhruvloka)

Situated 8,800,000 miles above Saturn, the supreme abode of Lord Viṣṇu, known as Dhruvaloka, the polestar. We could only see this planet as star, but it’s a entire huge planet. To know more about this planet read my article.

Beyond this planet as we do not have images to show, but still the scriptures have explained it very well.

Above Dhruvaloka by 10,000,000 yojanas is Maharloka, above Maharloka by 20,000,000 yojanas is Janaloka, above Janaloka by 80,000,000 yojanas is Tapoloka, and above Tapoloka by 120,000,000 yojanas is Satyaloka. Thus the distance from the sun to Satyaloka is 233,800,000 yojanas. The Vaikuṇṭha planets begin 26,200,000 yojanas above Satyaloka.

Lower Planetary Systems

Now, the planets which are below earth, they are so far that the sun rays cannot reach to these planets. So there’s no day and night here. Hence fear produced by time doesn't exits there. All the light comes from the gems which are located on the hoods of many huge snakes. These gems are so bright that they give light to the entire planet. The living beings who live in these planet never get old & never suffer from any disease.


About 10,000 yojanas below the sun is the planet known as Rāhu, which moves like one of the stars (between sun and earth). Rāhu is inimical toward both the sun and the moon, and therefore he always tries to cover the sunshine and moonshine on the dark-moon day and full-moon night.


On this planet a demon called Bala. Bala created three kinds of women, known as svairiṇī, kāmiṇī and puṁścalī. These woman will enchant any male with attractive glances, intimate words, smiles of love and then embraces. In this way she induces him to enjoy sex with her to her full satisfaction. This planet is just to enjoy sex and die once death arrives.


The next planet below Atala is Vitala. wherein Lord Śiva & Goddess Bhavānī, who is known as the masters of gold mines, lives with his personal associates, the ghosts and similar living entities.


Below the planet Vitala is another planet, known as Sutala, where the great son of Mahārāja Virocana, Bali Mahārāja, who is celebrated as the most pious king, resides even now.


Beneath the planet known as Sutala is another planet, called Talātala, which is ruled by the Dānava demon named Maya.


The planetary system below Talātala is known as Mahātala. It is the abode of many-hooded snakes, descendants of Kadrū, who are always very angry. The great snakes who are prominent are Kuhaka, Takṣaka, Kāliya and Suṣeṇa. The snakes in Mahātala are always disturbed by fear of Garuḍa(the carrier of the supreme).


Beneath Mahātala is the planetary system known as Rasātala, which is the abode of the demoniac sons of Diti and Danu. They are called Paṇis, Nivāta-kavacas, Kāleyas and Hiraṇya-puravāsīs [those living in Hiraṇya-pura].

Pātāla or Nāgaloka

Beneath Rasātala is another planetary system, known as Pātāla or Nāgaloka, where there are many demoniac serpents, the masters of Nāgaloka, such as Śaṅkha, Kulika, Mahāśaṅkha, Śveta, Dhanañjaya, Dhṛtarāṣṭra, Śaṅkhacūḍa, Kambala, Aśvatara and Devadatta. The chief among them is Vāsuki.

Lord Ananta

At the root of the planet Pātāla resides the source of Lord Śiva ‘Lord Ananta’. The entire material world is situated on the hoods of Lord Saṅkarṣaṇa. From His forehead He transmits to Lord Śiva the power to destroy this material world.There is no end to His strength, and no one can fully describe Him, even with countless mouths. Therefore He is called Ananta (unlimited).

So this is the entire galaxy which you never have heard from any scientists. You get to know more about it in famous Indian scripture Shrimad Bhagavatam .

If you’re like to know more about space & galaxy, then drop message in comment section.




A learner and servant's servant of Lord Krishna.