Cloud backups for UniFi Controllers

3 min readDec 3, 2019


Introducing to the world (of Ubiquiti UniFi Controller admins)

How did we get here?

So a group of us that work with MSPs, IT installers and commercial WiFi Systems began loving UniFi. It’s good hardware, it’s good software, its commercial grade but consumer priced.

Somewhere along the way, we ended up with scores of CloudKey Gen 1s and CloudKey Gen 2s, Raspberry Pi, laptops, cloud servers and all sorts of systems that we were using as controllers.

But there is one key thing missing for us, a centralised off-site backup of controller settings for when one of these controllers dies or goes missing.

So we built a tool for internal use, then decided we could make it for others to use as well by building a frontend to the codebase and applying for public use connectors to things like Dropbox and Google Drive.

What it does

It’s real simple, you connect your controller(s)

Controller setup page

You connect your 3rd party storage

Storage setup page


  1. Dropbox Guide
  2. Amazon S3 Guide
  3. Google Drive Guide
  4. FTP & SFTP Guide
  5. Microsoft OneDrive Guide

You add some schedules

Schedule setup page

Guide to setting up schedules

And finally, create the configs to run how you want them

Configurations Page


The application is designed for you to manage multiple controllers, multiple storage locations and multiple schedules. With these controls you can run thousands of configurations of backups.

We don’t charge anything for it. We thought about building pricing and subscription models and things like this, but then thought, let’s give it away.

BackiFi was made by 🤓🤓🤓 who 🤟 UniFi

We are 100% free, but won’t be upset if you want to support us :) here are some of the ways you could do that.

  1. Buy us a coffee 👉
  2. Give us a 👏 on this Medium post to help other find us
  3. Mention us on forums, Facebook Groups and Twitter if you think we’re handy.




I automatically backup your UniFi Controllers to remote locations - like Drobox, Google Drive, S3, Azure and more. Signup - It's Free