Agile Estimating and Planning — How?

In my last article I wrote why estimations in modern software development are almost always wrong, and I spoke briefly about the truths we need to accept. I want to add a bit to that before I dive into how I approach estimation and planning.

User Stories Revisited Part 3 — Sizing

In the third part in my series on user stories (Part 1 here, Part 2 here) will briefly cover some points on estimating user stories.

“How big should a user story be?” “What’s the difference between an epic and a story?” “How do I…

User Stories Revisited Part 1 — Myths and misconceptions

I’ve written previously about user stories, and I have compared them to other requirements techniques. Since then I’ve used them and seen them used in many new ways, some successful and some less so. I also often see people asking…

Scrum Misconception — Speed to delivery versus ROI

I recently read a brilliant article on the myth that Scrum is faster and cheaper than traditional development. I highly recommend reading it, and no, I’m not affiliated with the writer or!

Why the MVP method is hard — Technical

This is the 4th and last post in the series about why the MVP method, as described by Eric Ries in The Lean Startup, is more challenging than it first appears. Many organisations, large and small, refer to it. In fact it’s sometimes hard to find product road…