Christianity | LGBTQ

Jesus Attended My Gay Wedding

The Story of a Gay Christian Wedding

Jonny Masters
Backyard Church
Published in
9 min readFeb 8, 2024


Two grooms looking at one another and smiling
Image by Ben Braybrooke. Owned by Author.

Disclaimer: Throughout this article, I assume that my own beliefs are correct. Of course, this may not be the case, so please pretend there’s a little disclaimer to this effect before or after each sweeping statement.

Dan Foster recently wrote an article wondering if Jesus would attend a gay wedding. Dan answered in the affirmative, and I agree with him. Jesus attended my gay wedding, so I know.

In my Christian tradition, Jesus is present with us always. However, the ‘presence of God’ can be known and experienced in special ways at particular moments. We often recognise this as the Holy Spirit. It is hard to describe these moments. There is a deep sense of connection, of hope and love. For me, I feel a profound calm and peace when the Holy Spirit is present.

In September I married my partner of four and a half years, Alex, in a Church. We believe God was with us in the service, and was present throughout. Here is the story of how it came about.

Alex and I both attend church in the Church of England. Alex works for a church as an administrator, often supporting couples with enquiries about weddings. Some of those couples are not Christians, but they want their wedding to…



Jonny Masters
Backyard Church

Gay Christian. Editor of Poetry Playground, Inclusive Christianity, Prism & Pen. I write a daily drabble with themes such as pets, tourism, humour and politics.