Play Bandzaï now!

2 min readNov 23, 2023


Dear Zaï masters, we’re happy to announce that while waiting for our Liquidity Generation Event on GemPad, we have decided to let you play Bandzai in exclusivity — again!

Play the Bandzai Alpha

Here are a few steps you’ll need to complete to play the Bandzaï alpha. Estimated time 3 minutes.

1. Prepare your Metamask.

If you don’t know how to set it up, follow our guide here.

2. Connect to our Alpha

🌟🌟 Play Bandzai Alpha 🌟🌟

The game will prompt you to switch to the Mumbai testnet upon connection, and will send the correct connection parameters to your metamask.

3. Claim some test $BZAI

When connecting to the game you will be welcomed with a pop-up message letting you claim test BZAIs

4. Claim some test $Matic

On the Mumbai faucet here: Mumbai Faucet.
Copy your Mumbai testnet address and paste it in the faucet. Click “Send me Matic”. This will credit you 0.5 test Matic, it is capped to 1 transaction per 24h so remember to claim your test Matic as often as possible.
Alternatively, we will be able to distribute a few more test Matic, join our Discord Alpha dedicated room. Ask for Test Matic there and tag ZaiGod.

Learn how to play

You are now free to wander around on the BandZaï Alpha. We suggest you to go and buy your first Zaï with those test $BZAI, you will learn how to do that in our full play guide here.

Maybe you’ll need more information on what’s what. No panic! You’ll find everything you need in our Bandzaï rules article here.

Additionally, our moderators are available on Telegram and Discord to answer any subject or questions, to help you through the connection process and / or in-game.

Feedbacks & reporting

Yes, we lied. It’s not completely free. But all we ask for is a little bit of your time, as we need your feedback and reporting.

Please report any issue you’d encounter on our Discord dedicated room here: Report bugs. If you don’t have discord, feel free to share them on our Telegram here, and our Zaimods will trace them back to the devs.

Alpha rewards

We’ll distribute rewards to those who play the Alpha — up yo 300 000 BZAI, or 30 000 BZAI per week until early February

10 weeks, starting Mon, Nov 27th:
Weekly ranking #1 position — 10000 $BZAI
Weekly ranking #2 position — 5000 $BZAI
Weekly ranking #3 position — 3000 $BZAI
Weekly ranking #4 to #10–2 000 $BZAI

On top of that, Alpha testers can quest on our Zealy Zaï community here where we have special alpha quests, to compete in the leaderboard and earn more rewards.

That’s it! We hope to see you in game and wish you a wonderful experience on the Bandzaï Alpha!

