This is Why I Succeeded in Sales : 7 Tips from Muzahid on How to Win in Any Market

VEON Careers
Banglalink Careers
Published in
7 min readAug 23, 2017

When the odds are stacked against you, what do you do? You certainly don’t quit.

Instead, you find a competitive advantage — and utilize it.

In sports, there is a way to find a competitive advantage, even against teams with more resources. It’s called the Moneyball approach — or the use of metrics-driven decisions to create a winning team.

Team selfies

“At Banglalink, we’re doing a lot with data and using clever strategies to gain more market share. It’s kind of like our Moneyball strategy!” exclaims Muzahid, head of channel planning at Banglalink.

Do you want to win in any market? During our talk with Muzahid, we get seven solid tips to help you do just that.

1. Don’t get out bowled

Let’s go back to the Moneyball strategy. It was developed by Billy Beane, who works with the Oakland Athletics, an American baseball franchise.

In the early 2000s, Billy Beane had the tough task of figuring out ways to compete against teams with much larger salary caps. Using statistical analysis, he was able to consistently find undervalued players. Even with a small-market franchise, he built a team that succeeded against big-market teams.

Billy Beane won early on because he was the first to understand the value of data in sports. He was a step in front of everyone else. No wonder there’s a movie about this (called Moneyball).

Now, using data won’t give you quite the edge in baseball, cricket, or another sport. That’s because everyone’s doing it. As a Grantland report noted, “secrets are hard to keep” in sports or any market, but you can still find ways to stay ahead of the curve.

So, how do you make sure you don’t get out bowled (i.e. stay ahead of your market)? By the way, do you like the cricket metaphor?

Anyway, you never stop looking for ways to jump in front. That’s what Muzahid recommends.

“After finishing my bachelors in business administration in marketing at the University of Dhaka, I’ve made a point to take opportunities that help me grow. You must continuously improve and value career progression. Because the competition isn’t waiting for you.”

2. Be hungry

Think about where you’re at right now? Consider what it will take to get to where you need to go.

Take some inspiration from how Muzahid has been able to rise in the ranks at Banglalink.

After university, Muzahid took a job a Nestle as a supply chain trainee. That led to a marketing position at Maersk, a logistics company. After that, he went to British American Tobacco, where he worked in trade marketing and distribution.

When discussing his career path, Muzahid highlights the importance of ambition. As he says:

“I’ve always taken roles that help me develop. I came to Banglalink because it’s an exciting company in terms of market growth and how the services are helping people in Bangladesh. The scale is incredible. By working hard, I’ve been able to gain trust from leadership and take on increasingly larger roles. It’s all about staying hungry!”

“By working in the supply chain at the local level, marketing at the regional level, and distribution at the national level, I’ve acquired a diverse range of skills and experience. Banglalink gave me the opportunity to take on a big picture role, and I think my previous work made me well prepared.”

3. There are 11 players out there

In cricket, the best teams are those with a good balance of talented players. There can’t be gaps in skills.

The same idea applies to work. This is why Muzahid collaborates with HR. He wants to ensure the sales team is as good as it can be.

“We’ve built what we call the Capability Profile Center (CPC), which is what we use to hire new team members. We’ve defined basic competencies and matched them to Banglalink,” notes Muzahid.

As Muzahid describes, the hiring process at the CPC starts with a group activity, where interviewers observe how candidates work together and solve problems. Presentations are given as well. Then there’s a role-play exercise, in which one person acts as a salesperson and another as a client. Following that, there’s a structured interview.

“It’s all in an effort to get the best candidates for our team. We’ve structured the hiring process to be intriguing and competitive. Through the process, we really can understand candidates and whether they’ll be the right fit,” states Muzahid.

4. A captain must know his team

Again, let’s return to Moneyball (that’s a cool name, right?). If you want to create a Moneyball sales team, you must actively track how your team’s doing.

“I’m always looking at what capabilities we need to push forward. We have goals to meet — and I look for ways to exceed those goals,” says Muzahid.

This is why Muzahid makes a point to fill gaps in skills through the CPC’s hiring process, as well as by constantly tweaking the distribution strategy. Because you must understand what your team needs to improve — and act quickly. Otherwise, you’ll be left in the dust.

“I always advise graduates to have hunger to grow. That starts with having a clear vision of what you want. You must be aware of what’s going on around you. Learn on the job and from team members.”

With the teams

5. Know when (and when not) to declare

Few games are as strategic as cricket. An example is when the captain of the batting side declares an innings closed. Since there’s a time limit, captains may do this because they think they have enough runs to win the match and don’t need to bat again. This is done to avoid going over time and ending in a draw.

Of course, a declaration requires careful consideration of the risks and other options, like declaration later. It’s all about strategy.

Like a cricket match, Muzahid and his team emphasize getting the strategy right. Then all that’s left is proper execution and they can win — no matter what the market circumstances are. Here’s how he describes the process:

“We’re always analyzing how our retailers, online channels, and sales staff are converting customers. We then make changes to training and sales strategies accordingly.”

With the family:)

6. Shake hands

Getting ahead in the market isn’t all about analysis. Sometimes you just have to go out and say hello. Have a good time doing it — this is the fun part of business.

“For customers, we’re continuously researching their needs, and creating ways to show them how our tech solutions make life easier. This is the age of the customer, and we’re working hard to build quality relationships,” tells Muzahid.

“Data services are definitely the trend. We’re focusing more and more on building solutions that meet their needs as well,” says Muzahid.

7. Take a break

You need a work-life balance. You need to take a break to find yourself and re- energize yourself for the next battle. For Muzahid that means taking time to travel to places like Cox’s Bazar Beach, which is the longest sea beach on earth.

“If I could give advice to my childhood self, I would say to read more books, study more, and travel if possible. I’m doing that now to some degree,” describes Muzahid.

For Muzahid, getting out to learn and travel is crucial to finding inspiration. That’s what fuels his work when back at the office at Banglalink.

Create your Moneyball strategy

Muzahid’s advice provides a guideline for having success in any market. Tailor it to suit your own situation and go out and see what you can do.

