My 2018 Resolutions

Hannah Bain
Published in
2 min readDec 31, 2017


I’ve been pretty bad at keeping to my challenges that I have written here, even wrote a blog post about failing them. But I still think it is good practise to write down lists or ideas, because even if you only do one of them then that is still progress.

  1. Design my new website for 2018. The holding page is up for, no one wants to keep on returning back to a “Coming Soon” website, so I better do this one.
  2. Travel more. I know that it appears as if I travel lots already, but I actually travel half the amount that I used to, and I miss it.
  3. Write more about my travels. I would like to start being a little more serious about places that I go and sharing my experiences. I find it very helpful following blogs of other travelers, and it has helped me to discover new places that I wouldn’t have visited before.
  4. Take more photos. I’ve have really enjoyed getting back to using my SLR this year, previously I was sticking to only taking pictures on my iPhone. I would like to extend my hobby and keep on on extending my experience with creating photos and editing them using lightroom.
  5. Become more active within the design community. Post more shots to my Dribbble account and share more of my designs via social media, to reach out for feedback and improvement.
  6. Create more connections within innovation. This year I would like to start using my knowledge within startups and social enterprise to help further my career (hate that C word).
  7. Have lots of fun. My new husband and I promised that we would have more fun rather than get boring once we got married. We plan to keep that resolution till we are old and wrinkly : )

Have a happy new year everyone.



Hannah Bain

Literally the ramblings of a London Designer and Art Director. I love to travel and work