#4 Top Time-Waster at a Volunteer Organisation: Communication

Kai Xin Soh
Published in
3 min readDec 26, 2018


Did you know that volunteer managers spend up to 12h sending out reminders and 15h maintaining follow-ups with volunteers in just one week alone? If you add this all up, volunteer managers spend more than 1,400h a year managing communications with volunteers! How can you cut down on the time wasted on such activities?


Volunteer managers have one of the toughest jobs ever. On top of the endless duties and tasks they have to do (such as planning an event, ensuring that it runs smoothly, and supervising volunteers), they also have to manage communications with volunteers, sending out hundreds and thousands of SMSes and emails to volunteers.

Imagine this: you have just planned an event and recruited 1,000 volunteers. One day before the event, you have to send a reminder email to every volunteer, to remind them to come for the event the next day. After the event ends, you then have to send a thank you message individually to volunteers to thank them for attending and helping. Can you imagine how tedious and time-consuming it would be to have to text and email every single one of your 1,000 volunteers who attended your event?


Volunteer managers can make use of automated SMS and emails to free up their time to do more important work. For example, there are email clients such as MailChimp that allow you to send out email newsletters.

Send email newsletters with Mailchimp (envatotuts, 2013).

bantu Workspace doesn’t just let you send automated emails, it also allows you to automate your SMS messages. You can send a whopping 100 SMS and 1,000 emails a month!

Furthermore, using Mail Launcher, you can create and design beautiful customised templates within seconds.

Customise and automate your emails with Mail Launcher (bantu Workspace, 2018)

Special bantu fields even help you to automatically input information like volunteers’ names and organisations to help you send emails that are personalised to each and every individual.

Want to cut down on time-wasters and make time for more important tasks? Check out the other articles in our series on the top 5 time-wasters faced by volunteer organisations!

1. Recruitment

2. Data Entry

3. Attendance Tracking

5. Solution Search

(Pst, you can also download a free infographic that provides a useful summary of the Top 5 Time-Wasters at a Volunteer Organisation here!)

Looking for the perfect volunteer management system to eliminate time-wasters and boost your productivity and efficiency? Don’t waste anymore time, and check out bantu Workspace, an intelligent and user-friendly volunteer management and engagement platform for the modern non-profit today!



Kai Xin Soh
Writer for

Marketing @bantu, the best social start-up on earth! Because helping others should be easy. https://medium.com/bantulife