Go to BardoVR Blog
BardoVR Blog
BardoVR’s is the creator of AfterDeath, a highly-interactive, game-based, virtual reality simulation of the Tibetan Book of the Dead, which describes the journey consciousness takes from the moment of death until its rebirth in another form. Check out our website: www.bardovr.com
Note from the editor

BardoVR’s is the creator of AfterDeath, a highly-interactive, game-based, virtual reality simulation of the Tibetan Book of the Dead, which describes the journey consciousness takes from the moment of death until its rebirth in another form. Check out our website: www.bardovr.com

Go to the profile of Anthony Pellegrino
Anthony Pellegrino
I’m a rather bohemian freelance journalist and tech content writer. Philosophy/CS student - A.I. & Consciousness.
Go to the profile of Anthony Pellegrino
Anthony Pellegrino
I’m a rather bohemian freelance journalist and tech content writer. Philosophy/CS student - A.I. & Consciousness.
Go to the profile of Ben Simon-Thomas
Ben Simon-Thomas
Ecosystem developer: creating platforms to solve problems.
Go to the profile of Mmarinis
I am an aspiring UX designer and software developer from a small town. I am both extremely passionate about cognitive science and extremely nerdy.
Go to the profile of Karina Sinha
Karina Sinha
Game Science & Design Graduate Student at Northeastern University! I like nerdy stuff, love my dog, and am passionate about games that change lives :)