Go to Basic People
Basic People
Publikasi resmi dari kelompok A6 PPL Fasilkom UI 2019 (Basic People). Publikasi ini berisi seluruh pengalaman tim developer selama mengembangkan aplikasi di mata kuliah PPL.
Note from the editor

Publikasi resmi dari kelompok A6 PPL Fasilkom UI 2019 (Basic People). Publikasi ini berisi seluruh pengalaman tim developer selama mengembangkan aplikasi di mata kuliah PPL.

Go to the profile of Kris Tianto
Go to the profile of Michael Tengganus
Go to the profile of Tirta Hema
Tirta Hema
Learn to write about anything related to my life (business and tech, food, etc)
Go to the profile of Marco Kenata
Go to the profile of Kelly William
Go to the profile of Fran Na Jaya
Fran Na Jaya
Hi all, introducing a person who will live long enough to know he were right on each of his decisions. Currently works as Software Engineer at Ajaib
Go to the profile of Basic People