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Streams are weirder than you think

Streams are a simple concept, but they are actually really weird if think about it.

How to sneak in a XSS exploit in 4 steps or how to detect said attempt

Cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks are very serious. When fully exploited, it gives one full control of user account on websites. Imagine somebody gaining access to your bank account and transfering all the…

Prettier is brutal, but the future of AI?

Prettier is an opinionated code formatter that intentionally has few options. While prettier will never add/remove code, it will brutally reformat all the whitespace around the code to a fixed style. At times Prettier will reshuffle multiple lines just…

How to think about TypeScript

TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript, if one avoids certain features. Under the hood, transpiling…

How to avoid math and profit from it

Off-by-one error is one of the most common bugs. We can reduce this category of bugs with how…

Demystifying Webpack

Webapp bundlers like Webpack are often categorized as dark magic as few have spent the time to understand it. The fact…

How to escape React Hooks Hell

When learning React Hooks, it seems like black magic. How the heck does useState retains its value? Over…