We Invite You to Become Our Writer — Be Open Submission Guidelines

You don’t have to be a great writer or super perfect human to contribute here. I believe everyone can become inspirator for others even from their vulnerability.

A Shayens Abran
Be Open


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Best top medium publication be open submission guidelines accept poetry poem fiction non fiction life lesson story
Image by wayhomestudio via Freepik

Hello, Shayens here! Welcome to Be Open publication!🤓

As carrying the theme of ‘be open’, this publication’s motto is: Write in just the way you are. It’s okay to be imperfect. Don’t worry to be different. We all respect your opinions.

So based on it, we open submission for new writers and wish to give them an equal chance to show their stories.

It’s okay your writing is plain as long as having really good idea, has clear message and useful for readers.

Of course we’re open for experienced writers or person blessed with perfection (capable to write well-writen stories, good mental health or has so much great experiences in life) to share their knowledge and give advises through writing.

So here, whether you’re a top writer or a budding writer, it doesn’t matter. Here in Be Open, everyone gets a same opportunity to be accepted as a contributor and to appear on…



A Shayens Abran
Be Open

3x Top Writer on Medium. Founder Be Open publication. Person with Asperger & APD. Interested in Psychology, Fiction, Poem, Love, Life, Nature