Breaking Inertia: A Rule to Overcome Procrastination

Ananya Agrawal
Be Open
Published in
2 min readNov 11, 2023

Embarking on a new task, whether it’s starting a daily yoga routine, delving into a book, or tidying up your living space, can often feel like an uphill battle.

The resistance to initiate can be formidable, but what if there was a simple yet powerful rule that could kickstart your momentum?

Enter the 5-Minute Rule, a game-changer that has been shared in countless self-help books.

The essence is straightforward: if you can commit to a task for just 5 minutes, you can extend that commitment to 1–2 hours or more.

It’s a psychological hack that capitalizes on the inertia of starting.

The 5-Minute Launchpad

Imagine you have a task lingering on your to-do list, a goal you’ve been postponing. Now, take a moment to identify it. It could be organizing your workspace, initiating an article, or any task that seems daunting in its entirety.

Here’s where the 5-Minute Rule comes into play.

Set a timer for 5 minutes. Yes, just 5 minutes. In this brief window, plunge into the task with focused intensity. By breaking down the initial barrier, you’re setting the stage for a potential cascade of productivity.

2. Beware of Breaks and Obstacles

As you engage with the task during those crucial 5 minutes, guard against breaks and obstacles.

Inertia can be delicate, easily disrupted by external distractions. Keep your phone, social media, and any potential interruptions at bay. This is your uninterrupted moment to conquer the inertia of starting.

3. Progress Beyond 5 Minutes

At the end of the initial 5 minutes, something magical often happens.

The hardest part, the act of starting, is behind you. Now, take a moment to reassess.

Do you feel the momentum building?

Are you more invested in the task than you were 5 minutes ago?

If the answer is yes, continue. Reset your timer for a slightly longer duration, perhaps 7 minutes. The incremental increase helps to overcome the inertia of prolonging the task. Watch as you effortlessly transition from initiating to full engagement.

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” – Lao Tzu

Conclusion: Conquering the Starting Line

In the battle against procrastination, the 5-Minute Rule stands as a reliable ally.

It’s not just about the minutes; it’s about defying the resistance to commence.

Remember, the journey to productivity begins with the courage to break inertia.

So, the next time you find yourself hesitating to start a task, grab that timer, set it for 5 minutes, and witness the remarkable shift in your mindset.

Overcoming inertia has never been this simple – just 5 minutes at a time.

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