
These Two Powers You Have Within You — Use Them Together

Powers that will bring everything together as you share your love.

Mike Sansone
Reaching Hearts
Published in
2 min readJul 17, 2024


Woman in a kayak, pausing to enjoy the mountain view
Photo by Kalen Emsley on Unsplash

Slow things down in your mind and heart.

Recently, I shared a piece that Slow is Smooth, Smooth is Fast. I mentioned “Festina Lente” can be translated to “Make Haste Slowly.”

Make Haste Slowly is the kind of slowing things down I want you to consider. Please don’t read this too fast. Make. Haste. And do so slowly.

You still have a bias for action. You still act swiftly. And you do so slowly.

The more you practice Festina Lente, the wider your mental periphery becomes and things slow down in your mind’s eye.

You think more clearly. You see possibilities more readily. The connections are made in a swift manner … as you slow things down. You can be both tortoise and hare all at once.

There are two powers you already have within you I want you to visualize and personalize.

The Power of Pause and the Power of Them. These two powers will help you be more patient, more kind, more courageous, and more aware. You will find more time, more margin, more peace, and more joy. Ready?

Power of Pause



Mike Sansone
Reaching Hearts

Hi :-) -We all want to laugh, be listened to, and want to be loved. Editor/Owner of these pubs : Reaching Hearts, Romancing Hearts, & Leadership Hearts.