A Proven Way To Earn Money Right Now

Let me show you.

Thong Teck Yew
Be Unique


“How you make your money is more important than how much money you make.” — GaryVee

Simply put, what this quote is trying to tell us is this. Do not care about the results of what you are doing at all. Care about the process. Because the process will lead you to the results.

If you entered this story thinking that I will give you an absolute answer on how you can make good money, then you are out of luck. Thank you for spending 3 seconds of your time reading the quote at the top. This story might not be for you. Keep on researching how others earn money using their way and try to follow them. Good luck!

I could be telling you to invest in stocks, become a social media influencer, sell on eBay, or start your own YouTube channel. I could even have named this story, “Top 10 ways to earn money online in 2020 right now”. But I do not want to.

Not because I am selfish. Not because I don’t think they will work. But I don’t want to sell you short. Everyone is different.

Yeah sure. Go and start your own YouTube channel. You will make good money.

Ask yourself: Do you even have the passion to do it? Have you picked up the skills to do basic video taking and editing? Have you ever thought of the contents that you want to make?

Chances are: You don’t.

As much as I want to thank you for being able to stay with me until here, I will not waste your time and tell you the way to earn money right now. This will set you thinking about your plan for success.

Photo by Philipp Sewing on Unsplash

A proven way to earn money is by doing…

By doing nothing you become nothing. By doing something you have started on your path to success. Stop Thinking. Start doing.

I am not Doctor Strange whatsoever. But I can predict this — 99 years down the road, my answer will still be the same. Start by doing will always lead you somewhere. That’s better than nowhere.

Many people overcomplicate things. They are always dwelling on unforeseeable things such as what they should become in the future or which business people they want to be like¹.

Instead of wishing for the best, why not start by using our own pair of hands to create a future of our own? Doing something will give us a chance that we never knew we needed.

Bill Gates isn’t rich because he slept at home and let his parents decide his future for him. Mark Zuckerburg did not achieve success by letting Facebook hire him. He created Facebook.

Some of you might be like me, a victim of laziness, and I believe many of you are too. Not because of our wishings, not because we did not do things through our own actions, but because we are lazy to learn new things.

I get it. Our minds just do not have the mood to cooperate with us anymore. But this is not the school’s fault. This is not your parent's fault. Don’t blame anyone. It’s not their fault. It’s your fault. You do not have the mental capacity to take in any failures or trying out new things anymore.

Now, let me change your life by telling you this:

“What we learn to do, we learn by doing.” — Thomas Jefferson

We learn what we do. If we fail, we try again. No one is going to look at your failures. All they care about is your success. When you are successful, everyone wants a piece of you. Just start doing what you want to do, and you would have started your first step out of hundreds of successes you could have gotten.

Bill Gates once said, “If you are born poor it’s not your mistake. But if you die poor it’s your mistake”. This is really relevant to each and every one of us now. With the technologies and tools that are in the reach of our hands, we will never achieve anything if we did nothing.

I always believe that if someone is successful, they deserve it. There is no need to be jealous. It is up to us how we want to take it, but other’s success is not our success. We need to care more about our doings and not our shortcomings.

Let me leave you with a final quote —

“Doing what you like is freedom. Liking what you do is happiness.”


¹(Oh, right! Readers, limit yourselves to asking your kids these questions. What they will become in the future and who they look up to will only give them false hope. Instead, look after their passion and help them to find themselves. They will eventually become who they want to be.)

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Thong Teck Yew
Be Unique

A university student specializing in Data Analytics. Lover of technology that wants to share his piece on life. This is the platform where I can be myself.