Are You Uncomfortable? It’s A Sign You’re Ready For Big Growth

Deborah Holmén
Be Unique
Published in
3 min readDec 25, 2021


Photo Credit: PCM

We all hate change, so here is a better way to accept it’s happening.

When a lobster grows, it must first get uncomfortable to shed its shell. They go into hiding under some coral or seagrass to wait for their old shell to soften and become malleable.

It gets very uncomfortable for the lobster since the old shell becomes tighter and tighter, and it cannot eat or forage during this time.

Then, when the lobster is ready, it sheds its old shell.

The shell splits down the middle to release it from its body. However, the lobster must wait until its shell hardens enough to protect it from predators.

During this time, the lobster eats its old discarded shell while waiting for its new shell to be ready.

The lobster doesn’t fight it. She doesn’t blame the other lobsters for being so uncomfortable. She also doesn’t run away from it. She has to accept that what she is going through is for her own best interest and survival.

That old shell reminds us that we need to learn and GROW from our past transgressions, mistakes, and failings. Those lessons teach us to move forward, constantly learning from our experiences.

If you find yourself uncomfortable with your career, life may be telling you to start moving in another direction.

Maybe it’s your health. Your body tells you something must change through pain or discomfort. It’s time to take a step toward changing how you feel.

It also may be the people you are hanging around. Are you feeling uncomfortable or uneasy when in their presence? This may be an indicator that change is needed.

Photo by Yuris Alhumaydy on Unsplash

The lobster doesn’t quit and gives up when it feels things aren’t right. It finds a safe place to regroup. This place of reflection is where growth can occur.

Self-reflection can be pretty scary.

It means you have to consciously be aware of your emotions and behaviors that first made you uncomfortable. It’s easy to say someone triggered you, and it’s that person’s fault.

But remember, you had a choice in how you responded.

The lobster doesn’t blame its shell. It accepts that change is happening, and it needs to respond in a way that benefits its growth process.

Many people are afraid to engage in the process of self-reflection because it means you’ll need to make changes.

Photo by Hannah Busing on Unsplash

The safety you seek could be with a therapist or even with quality friends or family, you can trust. Although the lobster chooses to be alone, you don’t have to.

Find solace in knowing when things are bad; trust that it will change. And, when things are good, realize change will occur again.

We are here to seek and grow. When you are not striving or developing, you are stagnant. Stagnant waters only get murky. You have to get things moving to make change happen.

Then, and only then, you will see the direction you need to go. If you’re unsure, look for the signs the universe shows you to gain clarity.

So, next time when life makes you uncomfortable, you can be ready for growth and change.

🦂🐚🦐 Be like the lobster!



Deborah Holmén
Be Unique

Sharing my musing on the human experience, tapping into our greater purpose. Find me at The Good Men Project, A Parent is Born, Illumination, & Guide magazines.