To Those Who Said I Couldn’t Do It

Alicia | Marketing & Sales Coach
Be Unique
Published in
2 min readOct 16, 2018


I Freaking Did It.

“Do Something Great neon sign” by Clark Tibbs on Unsplash

For three years, I was told I wasn’t good enough, I didn’t have the skills or experience, and I just wasn’t the right fit. Even though at times, I believed those words myself, I kept working towards my career goal. I was determined to get to where I wanted to be.

If you have read my previous blogs, “I’ve Hit A Roadblock”, Your First Job Won’t Be Your Last, Learning To Let Go and When’s The Last Time You Really Felt Excited? then you know this has been a difficult road. If fact, this last year has been a roller coaster of emotions and a lot of self-doubt.

But I never gave up and I did it.

I landed an amazing position in my desired career field. I have the opportunity to grow within an amazing company but most importantly, I have the opportunity to mentor people and build a team under me. I get to take my love and passion for the work that I do and help others grow and build their skills. I get to work with so many different people and meet so many new people and learn about their passion and why they started a business and help them grow that business.

I’m terrified but I did it.

I get to put a purpose back into my day. I now have a chance to prove to myself that this is where I am suppose to be. That the past was a…



Alicia | Marketing & Sales Coach
Be Unique

I help online business owners hit their first $5k months by learning how to market and sell their offers, sign clients consistently through learning sales.