What is Mindset? Does It Matter?

Life is 10% What Happens to Me & 90% How I React To It. — Charles Swindoll

HBR Patel
Be Unique
3 min readJun 8, 2020


Mindset is the term that is highlighted more often in the combined world of motivation and psychology. There are many different definitions of Mindset regarding the number of words used but mostly all of them indicate a common meaning.

According to Cambridge Dictionary: Mindset is a person’s way of thinking and their opinions.

There are also many other dictionaries with their own way of arranging and rearranging the words to churn out the meaning of mindset that remains one and the same:

A Particular Set of Beliefs that are shaped and conditioned by our education, environment, and life experiences that help us to handle the situation by analyzing what is going on and what should we do next.

Carol Dweck, Stanford University psychologist, popularize the term mindset when she gave the TED Talk on it. According to her research, success and failure rely heavily on the mindset that we possess while tackling any given situation.

Growth Mindset & Fixed Mindset.

Growth Mindset is the belief that we can improve our ability and acquire skills to succeed in life. While a Fixed Mindset is a belief that skills are inborn, fixed, and unchangeable.

When faced with failures, it will be my mindset that will help me to grow or be stagnant by accepting the defeat. My Mindset decides between Giving Up or Going On when faced with challenges or failures in this quest to fulfill my Dream.

Champions value the process to attain greatness while the mediocre is more focused on the outcome rather than the process. The Champions knows that what it takes to be a champion and that is the reason they are ready to rise up after every fall or defeat.

In my journey to achieve my goals, sometimes the situation will be harsh and an imminent failure will be on the horizon waiting to impede my growth. It is during those times, the growth mindset will come to rescue me.

With a Fixed Mindset, Failure will make me doubt my abilities and there would be nothing that I can do about it.

With a Growth Mindset, Failure will be an opportunity to optimize my approach and learn some new skills to tackle that challenge.

You can see the difference that it makes.

As Charles Swindoll said:

We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude…I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it. And so it is with you…we are in charge of our attitudes.

Life happens to all, but only a few can make out of life the way they want. Their attitude, their mindset plays a definitive role in furthering their cause.

We can develop new habits and break old ones if we have a growth mindset. For people with a fixed one, everything is pre-installed and nothing can be updated.

Remember: Life Isn’t About Finding Yourself. Life Is About Creating Yourself.



HBR Patel
Be Unique

Learning to Read, Write, Design & Pray aptly. Author of Political Fiction POTUS#45 & few more. Inspiring myself with my words to excel. હસતા રહેજો! hbrpatel.com