Beam — BIP 1, BIP 2 Results

BEAM Privacy
Published in
2 min readMay 13, 2022

Discussion took place on the Beam Forum around the upcoming Hardfork, namely to do with a reduction in the Confidential Asset issuance amounts. A lot of great points and feedback were shared from the community. From this BIP 1 and BIP 2 were presented to the community to vote on for the upcoming Hardfork.

BIP 1 — Reduce CA minting cost

BIP 1 was to decide the new amount for the Beam CA issuance cost.

Voting has now concluded, with the community voting for the new cost to issue Beam Confidential Assets being 10 Beam. This change will come into effect after the Hardfork in mid June at block 1,790,000.

BIP 2 — Directing CA mint fee to miners

BIP 2 was to decide if the CA fee should go to miners, or remain as it currently is with the Beam locked in order to issue the asset.

Voting has now concluded, with the community voting to keep the current structure with the Beam locked in order to issue the Confidential Assets. No change on this front will come with the upcoming Hardfork.

Future BIPs

These will likely be the first and last BIPs where voting is conducted off chain. It was done so in order to enact any change with the upcoming Hardfork. Future BIPs will utilise the BeamX DAO Governance Dapp in order to conduct onchain voting.

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