Testnet Bright Boson 2.0.4707 — Release notes

Beam Privacy
BEAM Privacy
Published in
2 min readMar 24, 2019

March 22nd, 2019

General notes


  • [desktop wallet, node] Аfter being offline node sync will be lightning-fast, for both standalone node and integrated into the desktop wallet (#454), see technical documentation
  • [desktop wallet, cli wallet] For desktop wallet, upon successful transaction completion a sender will receive a proof, signed by the receiver, for cli wallet, the proof will be generated once а handshake between the wallets has been accomplished, see user manual and technical documentation (#415)


  • [desktop wallet] When sending beams, the Sender’s wallet will wait longer for Receiver to come online, namely 12 hours instead of 2 (#473)
  • [desktop wallet] No more security warnings. The apps are signed now on both Mac and Windows (#37)
  • [cli wallet] Transaction history will display Kernel ID from now on (#418)
  • [wallet] Wallet application and Wallet API became much more responsive due to reworked request service architecture (#407)


  • [cli wallet] Fixed incorrect amounts in transaction history for certain locales (#480)

For a more comprehensive list of the tasks accomplished please read here: https://github.com/BeamMW/beam/projects/10

Known issues and workarounds

  • [node] When starting a standalone node, node.db and macroblock files should be manually removed


  • The work on Atomic Swap is well in the process

PGP key: “A6C6 2C9F 5593 1860 AFF8 3BBB 997E AB9F 3DF7 F375”

Verifying release binaries

  • Go to https://keybase.io/beammw and get the Public PGP key.
  • Download the signed binary file (with extension .asc) you want to verify.
  • Verify signature using PGP Suite or any other PGP verification tools

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