Beam Revamped Ambassador Program

Beam Privacy
BEAM Privacy
Published in
5 min readSep 12, 2019

Beam has an active and ever-evolving Ambassador program based on locality, interests, and skillsets. It is a way to show appreciation for the community members that take their passion for Beam to the next level.

There are several different ways ambassadors contribute to Beam, and this is something that will continue to grow, and be improved upon into the future.

With the Governance of Beam shifting to the Foundation, it is coming to the time for the Beam ambassador program to also push forward.

What’s in the Box

With this in mind, we are making some changes to the ambassador program to increase the collaborative impact we all have within the communities.

We are widening the scope for contribution and participation in the program to have four main focuses depending on what Ambassadors are passionate about adding to the ecosystem.

Those good at conveying ideas and communicating with people will be able to thrive as Meet-up Organisers.

This is an integral way to increase awareness and engage with the Beam community in person. It’s so far been our primary focus and has seen us having meetups across the Globe, with our most recent ones in Istanbul, Chengdu, and Seoul.

Meetups are a great way to interact with the Beam community and bring new members in, but we realize there are many other ways to add value through contribution.

For this reason, we are encouraging those excited about online chats, keeping everyone up to date with the news, and keeping the community engaged, to act as great Beam Moderators.

For community members with a creative streak, we are thrilled to have a focus on being a star Content Creator. Finally, the linguists among us can help bring Beam to the world as Translators.

Below gives an overview of the expectations for Ambassadors to meet in the relevant focus.

Join our Ambassador program now.

General expectations

Along with meeting the contributions required for ambassador recognition according to your expertise and interests, there are several things that we expect within the ambassador program. These include:

  • Sharing Beam news with your local communities.
  • Regularly retweeting / liking / commenting on Beam news and posts on Twitter.
  • Keeping Beam community team updated concerning your activities.
  • Supporting the growth and adoption of Beam and privacy in general

Beam Translator

Beam has community members from across the Globe, and for that, we need the expertise of Beam Translators. They will help with consistently translating content, to help grow a broader, more diverse user base. Translations will include blog posts, video transcripts, medium articles, explainer documents, and even Beam applications.

What will you have to do?

  • Publish translated Beam content and send into the Beam community team.
  • Translate a total of at least 3,000 words
  • Contribute at least 1,000 words of translated materials in the past two months

Join our Ambassador program now.

Beam Meetup Organizer

This is for Beam supporters that are interested in getting out and about and organizing and hosting regular meetups in their local communities. Meetups should be focused on crypto, privacy, and of course, Beam. They can be aimed at a technical or non-technical audience and can be presented in some different formats.

What will you need to do?

  • Read through the Beam Meetup guidelines and then contact the Beam community team who will help you set up a local group on, and get you organizing your first Beam meetup.
  • Organize and host at least two Beam community meetups, with at least 20 attendees.
  • Host a meetup at least every three months.

Join our Ambassador program now.

Beam Content Creator

This is someone who creates engaging, informative, and insightful content that educates the Beam community and the wider world about the project. Content can be in a variety of formats, such as videos, forum posts, or podcasts.

What will you need to do?

  • 2 pieces of content must be produced and published.
  • Positive feedback from the community must be achieved.
  • Submit evidence that your content is useful to the community and adds value, such as page views, likes, and shares. Trading-related content is considered low value.
  • At least 2 pieces of content must be shared each month.

Join our Ambassador program now.

Beam Moderator

Beam Moderators are people live and breath online and love to engage and maintain an active and safe community. We have all sorts of channels for mods, from discord to Telegram, with tech chats, price chats, and those that are language-specific. Being an active member, and building the community is something that Beam Mods are passionate about.

What will you need to do?

  • You must know your way around the relevant platform to keep everything tidy and have a right attitude and vibe in the community
  • You must be visibly active and engaged with the community daily
  • Already existing Beam Moderators must agree that you are a suitable fit for the relevant channel
  • The Beam community team will check out and review your engagement levels, and platform metrics such as Twitter followers, Reddit Karma, to ensure you are fit for the extra responsibility

Join our Ambassador program now.

With these new focuses, we hope to open the door for more contributions, greater collaboration and support, and an all-round stronger community and Ambassador program. If you are highly motivated, passionate about crypto and privacy, and excited by Beams implementation of Mimblewimble, we want you!

Come discover Beam and join our community!

Download Beam Desktop Wallet here

Download Beam iOS Wallet on App Store

Download Beam Android Wallet on Google Play

Learn more about Beam on our website and blog


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