Clear Cathode 3.2, Android — Release Notes

Beam Privacy
BEAM Privacy
Published in
2 min readOct 16, 2019

Release Date: October 16th, 2019

General Notes


  • The app responsivity became much faster and usage feel became smoother due to significant architectural rework
  • Transaction details screen, address/contact details screen, tag create/update screen, payment proof screens were redesigned
  • Transactions history can be exported and saved on the device
  • On the transaction screen, multiple transactions can be selected


  • Transactions can be searched by Kernel ID (from the Transactions screen)
  • Loading bar works smoother and is a bit more informative
  • When a crash occurs we’ll ask politely to submit the technical details, that will allow us to investigate the issue and improve app’s stability
  • When changing the language the app doesn’t need to be restarted anymore


  • Many fixes of typos, explanatory messages, elements placements, colors — all to make the app more eye-pleasing and more intuitive to use

Known limitations

  • When restoring your funds in automatic mode, verify that your most recent transaction (from any device) was completed at least 1 hour ago. Otherwise, your restored balance may be incorrect and additional restore procedure will be required
  • When restoring your funds with your specific node, verify that the node is fully synchronized with the blockchain before starting the restore procedure. Otherwise, your restored balance may be incorrect and additional restore procedure will be required

Points to mention

  • DO NOT SIMULTANEOUSLY RUN TWO WALLETS INITIATED FROM THE SAME SEED PHRASE. No funds will be lost in any case, please read this article for full details
  • If you really want to run two wallets (read: geek mode), initiated from the same seed phrase, make sure each wallet is connected to the node configured with the owner key (which is derived from the seed phrase)
  • Even if two wallets are connected with such a node which is properly configured with the owner key, the transaction history will not be syncronized among them (each wallet will see the correct balance but only its own transaction history)

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