Eager Electron 5.0.2 — Android— Release Notes

Beam Privacy
BEAM Privacy
Published in
2 min readJun 22, 2020

Release Date: June 22nd, 2020

This Eager Electron 5.0.2 release paves the way for Beam towards a Confidential DeFi ecosystem.

IMPORTANT: After Beam blockchain will reach block 777777 the upgrade to 5.0 is mandatory to access your funds.


  • In one word: “notifications”, in two: “decentralized notifications”! Your privacy stays solid, the wallet address won’t be exposed when any notification is received.
  • We deliver exchange rates to USD/BTC for every amount displayed.
  • You’ll know when the new wallet version just came out. No worries, our wallet will never auto-update — this decision is entirely in your hands.
  • You’ll never miss the info when a transaction is completed.
  • Too many notifications? Switch off those that you don’t need in Settings. Easily.


  • Getting BEAM from Beam faucet always present on the Settings screen.


  • Few smaller issues and crashes were resolved

Known limitations:

  • When restoring your funds in automatic mode, verify that your most recent transaction (from any device) was completed at least 1 hour ago. Otherwise, your restored balance may be incorrect and additional restore procedure will be required. When restoring your funds with your specific node, verify that the node is fully synchronized with the blockchain before starting the restore procedure. Otherwise, your restored balance may be incorrect and additional restore procedure will be required.

Points to mention:

  • DO NOT SIMULTANEOUSLY RUN TWO WALLETS INITIATED FROM THE SAME SEED PHRASE. No funds will be lost in any case, please read this article for full details.
  • If you really want to run two wallets (read: geek mode), initiated from the same seed phrase, make sure each wallet is connected to the node configured with the owner key (which is derived from the seed phrase). Even if two wallets are connected with such a node which is properly configured with the owner key, the transaction history will not be synchronized among them (each wallet will see the correct balance but only its own transaction history).

Come discover Beam and join our community!

Download Beam Desktop Wallet here

Download Beam iOS Wallet on App Store

Download Beam Android Wallet on Google Play

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