Eager Electron 5.1.9898 — Release Notes

Beam Privacy
BEAM Privacy
Published in
2 min readOct 1, 2020

Release Date: 1st October

TL;DR Release Highlights:

  • This Eager Electron 5.1 release brings offline transactions, adding the option to use offline addresses: no need to wait for the receiver to come online anymore!
  • Atomic swap fees have significantly reduced
  • Dozens of under-the-hood bug fixes you don’t want to know about, as Beam “just works”
  • Desktop BEAM wallet welcomes the first external contributors: job done well by SomethingGettingWrong and sgaragagghu!


  • Enabled Offline transactions through the Lelantus MW protocol implemented at the last hard fork.
  • For Offline transactions new “offline” addresses are supported: it includes all the necessary information for 10 payments so that a receiver doesn’t need to talk to the sender to create a transaction. Once the ten payments run out, the sender wallet will automatically request more payments from the receiver using SBBS. In case the Receiver is not online and not responding, the Sender wallet will show an indication that there are no more payments left and the user will request a new address using an external channel.
  • Atomic swaps are significantly cheaper now due to SegWit support and a minimal fee rate is nicely recommended so that transactions will complete within a reasonable time.
  • Confirmation count is implemented for CLI wallet and in the API to better align with exchanges.


  • Confidential Assets metadata is standardized. Read more here.

Known limitations:

  • Once generated, do not offer the same offline address to multiple senders of payments
  • Offline transactions do not have payment proofs (to be added in version 5.2)

Points to mention:

  • Offline transaction fees are higher. The receiver pays his fee (per coin) when the coin is withdrawn from the shielded pool. To keep the anonymity set to the best value at any given time, the max privacy coins may remain in the shielded pool until the receiver decides to spend them. Hence, the withdrawal fee for each coin received via offline transaction can be paid when the receiver initiates the outgoing transaction of his own.

For a more comprehensive list of the tasks accomplished please read here

Verifying release binaries
PGP key: “A6C6 2C9F 5593 1860 AFF8 3BBB 997E AB9F 3DF7 F375”

  1. Go to https://keybase.io/beammw and get the Public PGP key.
  2. Download the signed binary file (with extension .asc) you want to verify.
  3. Verify the signature using PGP Suite or any other PGP verification tools

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