Eager Electron 5.2 — iOS — Release Notes

Beam Privacy
BEAM Privacy
Published in
2 min readJan 20, 2021

Release Date: January 20th, 2020

Download the latest Eager Electron 5.2 release now!

TL;DR Release Highlights:

  • Max Privacy transactions bring a dramatic privacy boost thanks to the brand new implementation of the power and bandwidth savvy mobile node


  • Enabled Max Privacy transactions by implementing Lelantus MW protocol with anonymity set of up to 64K
  • Public offline addresses for collecting donations while your wallet is completely offline
  • Payment proofs for Offline and Max Privacy transactions
  • The wallet speaks 14 languages thanks to the amazing community support. Caught a translation mission or a typo? Drop us a message and we’ll invite you to the translators’ Telegram group.


  • Export transaction history to CSV file now includes the info about BTC/USD exchange rate and the transaction type (regular, max privacy or offline)


  • Many under-the-hood bug fixes you don’t want to know about, as Beam wallet “just works”

Points to mention:

  • Thanks to the mobile node, when running two wallets that were initiated from the same seed phrase the balance will be always in sync. HOWEVER, the transaction history will not be synchronized among them (each wallet will see the correct balance but only its own transaction history). Therefore, when the balance is changed without any send or receive from the wallet — check the activity in any other wallet. No funds will be lost in any case.

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