Introducing the Beam DEX: Fast, Low-Cost, and Confidential Token Swaps

Danai Raza
BEAM Privacy
Published in
3 min readMay 4, 2023

TL;DR Over the last two years Beam has continued to develop the infrastructure for a secure, scalable, and sustainable Beam private DeFi experience, releasing many DApps including an NFT Marketplace, an asset minter, a bridge to Ethereum, the BeamX DAO Voting, and more. We’re excited to announce Beam DEX, the last remaining puzzle piece to bring the Beam private DeFi ecosystem full circle.

Beam DEX: Private DeFi comes full-circle

The Beam DEX enables fast, low-cost, and confidential token swaps on the Beam blockchain.

The DEX utilizes all of Beam’s industry-leading privacy protocols to obfuscate transaction metadata (such as tx time, tx amount, tx wallet addresses, etc.), making it resistant to typical DEX attacks that exploit publicly-available data from unprocessed transactions, such as MEV, front-running, and sandwich attacks.

Transactions on the Beam DEX are fast, with an average speed of 17 transactions per second using the high-frequency transactions (HFTX) mechanism, and cost-efficient with 1 $BEAM (US$ 0.042 as of writing) enough for over 800 token swaps.

Two weeks prior to Beam DEX’s launch, we deployed the $BEAM/$BEAMX liquidity accumulator DApp to ensure a smooth trading experience and deep initial liquidity by incentivizing early stakers with increased yield rewards.

A Complete PriFi Experience

The Beam DEX holistically synergizes with the BeamX Private DeFi DApp ecosystem such as the asset minter, Beam Bridge, and the private stablecoin Nephrite.

Developers can mint confidential assets (think privacy coins) using the asset minter DApp, and subsequently create trading pairs to trade them on the Beam DEX. The possibilities are endless.

The recently launched Beam Bridge DApp enables cross-chain asset transfers between Beam and Ethereum’s vast token ecosystem, with support for many popular tokens such as $wBTC, $DAI, $USDT, and $ETH. Users may create trading pairs to trade bridged assets on the Beam DEX.

Beam DEX ties together with the community-created private stablecoin Nephrite to allow our community to create stablecoin trading pairs for any confidential assets (CAs) on the Beam DEX. Yield farmers may form a liquidity pool for the Nephrite stablecoin to improve the DEX’s trading efficiency to receive yields and a portion of the DEX’s trading fees.

What’s Next?

This is just the beginning for Beam DEX. In the future, expect Beam DEX functionality for Beam Wallet on smartphones, an improved UI/UX, and many new features.

Beam continues to establish its influence in the broader DeFi space, offering a robust blockchain experience with sound infrastructure for developers to build upon.

We are excited to invite all traders, yield farmers, and privacy enthusiasts to come and try Beam DEX. We recommend downloading the latest Beam Wallet release to access Beam DEX from the built-in DApp store. The private DeFi revolution starts now!

Come discover Beam and join our community!

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Danai Raza
BEAM Privacy

Finance Graduate from Mahidol University International College 2020. DeFi Degenerate. Writing about blockchain, crypto, DeFi and privacy coins.