Maja Vujinovic, Marco Streng and Wilke Trei join Beam

Beam Privacy
BEAM Privacy
Published in
2 min readFeb 19, 2019

We are happy to announce new advisors who are joining Beam’s Advisory Board. Maja Vujinovic, Marco Streng and Wilke Trei will be advising Beam, all accomplished and highly-mastered individuals contributing to the Fintech and Cryptocurrency industries will be taking an active part in the execution of Beam’s strategy.

Maja Vujinovic — Business and Strategy

Maja serves as CEO of OGroup focusing on the convergence of legacy systems and decentralized open protocols. In her previous role as a Chief Innovation Officer of Emerging Tech group, GE Digital, she encouraged innovation and piloting of blockchain to maximize core offerings and uncover disruption. She is a thought leader on digital business transformation and the rise of sovereign digital identity.

Marco Streng — Mining

A young prodigy in mathematics, Marco Streng discovered Bitcoin while studying, emerging, and self-organizing networks in 2011. He became involved in the Blockchain and cryptocurrency community during its earliest days of development. Today Marco is the CEO and Co-Founder of Genesis Mining. Genesis Mining is one of the world’s largest multi-currency mining and Blockchain infrastructure company. It acts as a key driver and advocate for the whole ecosystem.

Wilke Trei — Applied Cryptography

Wilke Trei is a mathematician with specialization computational discrete math and freelancing mining software developer with a focus on memory heavy algorithms on Graphic cards. Wilke developed the reference mining software for Beam and will assist in specifying the upcoming changes to the PoW algorithm in order to fulfill Beam’s strategy of ASIC resistance for the first two years after main network launch.

Beam is a Scalable Confidential Cryptocurrency based on Mimblewimble.

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