Being Happy Is Not in Your Control, Not Being Sad Is in Your Control!

I would much rather be happy than be right!

Jayveer Vala
beautiful choices
4 min readAug 17, 2024


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What is being right? Do what you feel is right without deceiving yourself or fooling anyone. It’s simple, but we get lost in the definitions of being right that people have set for us and sometimes lead us astray by deceiving ourselves.

There is nothing difficult in living truthfully. Whether the world certifies you to be true or not, it doesn’t matter.

Douglas Adams (1952–2001), a British writer of science fiction, comedy, and satire, said: “I’d rather be happy than be right.’’ Douglas Adams did not believe in the worldview being right.

You may have enjoyed many of Charles Dickens’ more than a dozen novels, from “A Tale of Two Cities’’ to “Great Expectations.’’ A word from this epoch-making author of ‘David Copperfield’ and “The Pickwick Papers’’ takes life to new heights, and takes people away from the hustle and bustle.

Charles Dickens said, “Happiness is a gift, and rather than waiting to receive it, you should enjoy it when you receive it.’’

Happiness does not have to wait. If we live believing that we will be happy because the present difficult situations will end, we will never feel happiness till the end of our lives. Difficult conditions instead. If its solutions come or not wires.

There has never been a trouble-free time in anyone’s life, nor will it ever come. While facing these difficulties, sometimes happy moments suddenly enter. In such moments, despite the presence of troubles, those troubles are forgotten, as they fade into the background and happiness seems to be the only happiness in life.

When you get such moments, enjoy them as much as you can. Even after such moments have passed, the energy you draw from those moments sustains your enthusiasm for happy moments to come again, providing a new life force to face adversity.

Victor Hugo, the French author of the world-famous work like “Le Miserable’’ believes that, “The highest joy in life comes from the conviction that people love you, love you as you are.’’ To be honest, he loves you for who you are and what you are like.’

It is very important to have this trust to survive in life. It’s no fun living in fear of whether or not your reflection looks beautiful in the eyes of others, constantly berating yourself for your faults.

Be sure that loved ones are going to love you, care for you, stand by you. The one who wants to love has nothing to do with your faults, your shortcomings.

Stephen King is a contemporary American author with the status of Charles Dickens. If you haven’t seen the movie ‘Shawshank Redemption’ based on one of his stories, you must watch it.

This film has a place in Hollywood’s top ten films after ‘Godfather’ and if you love to read and write, you must read his autobiographical book called ‘On Writing’. His suspense crime thriller Mr. Mercedes was nominated for the Edgar Allan Poe Award. Born in 1947, the greatest and bestselling writer of this era, Stephen King, has written more than 65 novels and various short stories and short stories.

After recovering from a road accident that proved almost fatal, after prolonged treatment, the uncle writes prolifically at this age and says, “Happiness should remain unexamined for as long as possible.’’

As far as possible you should avoid post mortem of your happiness, your joy. Analyzing who makes you happy, and what makes you happy can rob you of the naturalness of your happiness. Just enjoy the time without getting stuck in the trap of what makes you happy. Don’t get caught up in the source of happiness.

Otherwise, you will be tempted to say, let’s bring happiness from here or this way. Then you will wander in search of happiness. After reading this sentence by Stephen King, I feel like saying that you don’t even need to think about whether you are happy or not.

If we think about it, we will feel like comparing somewhere – with our past happiness or even with the present happiness of others.

Happiness is not in our hands. If only there was a formula for happiness available in the market we would all be happy. Not being happy is not in our hands. Is it possible that there are moments of happiness in life and you decide that no, I don’t want to be happy right now so the happiness goes away?

Grief is in your hands. If we sit down to remember the occasions of suffering by hand, countless cases come to mind. Not to be sad is in our own hands. It is in our hands to move forward with self-belief and not to sit down in any difficult situation.

We can control such moments of sorrow, such moments of unhappiness and after controlling it, where is happiness going to go away from your life, how can it go?

Silence, please

Some relationships are like Tom and Jerry. Even if they tease each other, annoy each other, and make them angry, they cannot go without each other.

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