How Doodling Drove Me Out of Depression Into A Business

Olusegun Osifuye
beautiful choices
Published in
3 min readMay 7, 2024


Have you ever felt sad, empty, lonely, disappointed, or frustrated?

Have you tried your best to flip these feelings without any success?

Hopefully, my personal story motivates, and encourages you to seek ways to turn your situation around for the better.

Doodle Print Sample by Olusegun Osifuye — Available on FineArtAmerica

The Depression

I was going through a very rough patch in 2018 leading up until 2019. This was one of the hardest periods of my life.

Being broke, overworked, underpaid, and underappreciated all at the same time was overwhelming.

My current condition at that time was in sharp contrast to where I felt I was supposed to be in life.

It was tough to go through this situation and even tougher to see no improvement despite my very best efforts.

During these periods of vulnerability, my mind would go racing and I’d get lost in deep thought.

While this was happening, I’ll suddenly discover that I had drawn unrecognizable shapes, symbols, and lines with a pen on any random notepad that I could find around.

As soon as I became conscious of what I was doing, the flow of inspiration would immediately stop. I realized that I was doodling unconsciously.

By a stroke of faith, I found these doodling sessions to be refreshing. These were some of the few times that afforded me the opportunity to temporarily forget my current worries. It allowed my ideas and creative juices to find their full expressions.

The doodles gave me solace and were surprisingly therapeutic.

The original Olusegun Osifuye Doodle Prints — This was how it started

The Business Discovery

I kept the drawings in a very random place and didn’t think much of it until my father saw them.

As soon as he laid eyes on them, I could see the sheer excitement on his face. He loved the doodles despite having no clue about the deep story behind them.

A light bulb moment popped in his head, and he suggested that I scan all the pieces and publish them on an art website for sale.

Initially, I didn’t give it much thought and it wasn’t top of mind until several months later. I eventually got to publish eight of them in 2020.

Now, you can see all the doodle pieces for sale on my FineArtAmerica Profile page and can be shipped globally.

These art pieces are available as prints for homes and offices and have also been embedded on personal and household items such as Coffee Mugs, T-shirts, Tote Bags, Phone Cases, Notebooks, Throw Pillows and many more.

Doodle Prints Embedded Coffee Mugs — Available in colors on FineArtAmerica
Doodle Prints Embedded Throw Pillows — Available on FineArtAmerica
Doodle Print Embedded T-Shirts — Available in colors on FineArtAmerica

Each doodle piece is unique, inimitable and an artistic representation of a young man’s journey in overcoming depression.

So, whatever you may be going through, please let my story and these art pieces be a source of inspiration to remain hopeful and keep believing. Your unique circumstance can be a turning point into something beautiful.

Just like the mythical Phoenix, we will all rise from our ashes.

See you in the next one.

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Olusegun Osifuye
beautiful choices

Writer, Public Speaker, Investor, Geographer and Tutor. Sharing my authentic life's experiences to spur my audience to believe, desire and take