Go to Becoming Dad
Becoming Dad
Dad stories of any kind, as long as they’re interesting or they’re written by me. 
Note from the editor

Dad stories of any kind, as long as they’re interesting or they’re written by me. 

Go to the profile of Joe Medler
Joe Medler
Is a father, a son, a husband, an aspiring writer, a lover of baseball books, a reader of John Irving and Barbara Kingsolver and Russell Banks, a camp guy..
Go to the profile of Roblin Meeks
Roblin Meeks
Essayist, lapsed professional philosopher, associate dean of ice cream. Author of creative nonfiction about work, love, self and other stuff. Welcome, friends.
Go to the profile of Joe Medler
Joe Medler
Is a father, a son, a husband, an aspiring writer, a lover of baseball books, a reader of John Irving and Barbara Kingsolver and Russell Banks, a camp guy..
Go to the profile of Roblin Meeks
Roblin Meeks
Essayist, lapsed professional philosopher, associate dean of ice cream. Author of creative nonfiction about work, love, self and other stuff. Welcome, friends.