The steps to Achievements

Fanny NK
Shani Awena Fanny
Published in
4 min readJan 24, 2019

Building confidence.

Achievement by Nick Youngson CC BY-SA 3.0 Alpha Stock Images

If some of you read my older stories, you know I have a real issue with confidence. Its nearly in all my text and maybe there are unseen issues on this topic...

Anyway, each time I learn something, I feel I should share it to help those around me grow too, or just challenge me and my thoughts.

Back to the subject.

Right now I feel like I am beaming confidence. Not overconfidence as I recognize that I can be shaken.

Let me explain, confidence is not a whole thing, it not “either you have it or not”. As I said in this article : la confiance en soi ce truc surfait, saying we lack confidence is sometimes running away. In my case, I build confidence, step by step, but mostly subjects by subject.

I built confidence in my body. Still do. I test it and trouble it and work it, and even worn it. It’s mine. It’s my life story.

I built confidence in my thoughts. Little by little I voice them. Get replies and grow. And little by little, I became confident in my capacity of saying the right thing at the right moment, and if not accept and learn.

I built confidence in my job. I started my dream job 2 years ago. No real experience and so afraid. Not confident at all. I made mistakes, thank God not huge one, but then I was helping people, I had good results and then I became more and more confident. Balancing boldness at work and shyness.

You can apply this to as many subjects as you have: dealing with friends, dealing with negative thoughts, family, entrepreneurship etc. It is building all those confidence that makes you good, better,best.

I will say an easy sentence but it’s the truth.

It takes one Achievement.

For real, in my case, it took one achievement. Once I got that thing right. I was able to look at myself and say YOU MADE IT. Yes, I made it. I went through all of it and made it. I cried lol, I struggled, but enough was enough. I dedicated a year to that one objective and got it right.Choose something and dedicate yourself to it. Dedicate yourself to that sole objective. Grind, for you know that, after that one achievement, the world opens wide for other achievements.

That was my first step, and after that, what I felt was gratefulness but also tenderness for myself. And then I achieved another thing, and another thing. And at the end of the year, those small steps (drinking more water, doing more exercises, trying to get up early, hardworking for my associations) made a big picture.

Yes I still think getting up early is the thing, and yes I still haven’t got back to it, but as I kept doing it for 3 months non-stop I KNOW I can do it.

After those achievements, you get to a place where, even if you don’t do all what you have planned, you KNOW that if you dedicate yourself, you can do it.

You stay at that place achieving more little things, and you even learn to be bold XD.

And then yesterday, I realized that I reached another step. C. Befoune, that I follow now on Digression her blog, sent me a book to read. And at first I literally told her that the book didn’t have a huge impact on me.

But something powerful happened…

The sentence : There is nearly no limit to the body, it mostly in the head…

I realized that, these 3 days I was ‘doing the job”… Everything I hated. All the things I always found excuses saying: I am too tired, I wont be efficient, I need space with music to be optimum etc…

It all stopped. I did the job. I heard inner voice saying :

My body can handle it. 24h a day is enough if you don’t procrastinate. (much, I am only human lol).

Days are much fulfilling. And you get more and more proud of you, proud of your body.

And then you kind of know with more conviction, that you can do it. Whatever the IT may be. You body, your head will handle it. Just DO the thing. Day by day. even tired, even sleepy, don’t worry, YOU CAN. That extra line to write, that extra info to read, that extra cleaning to do, don’t doubt, you really can. And you’ll survive it. 5 seconds later, you’ll look back and be surprise that it’s all in the back.

I was struggling cleaning the cave. 10 mins after I had started, I realized… it only cost effort and time… And you have it. No wound, no permanent pain, no death…….

Most of the things you have to do will only cost you an amount of time and a “little” effort.

And what is an amount of time and a “little” effort to getting closer to your goal ?

Ok lets be clear don’t kill yourself lol. But, the mind controls the body and the body can do soooooo much.

That’s where I stand today. Lets live this 2019 together.

And don’t hesitate to tell me in the comments, how confidence came to you? And make me jealous if you always had it ;-)


