A Colorful Life


Fiza Ameen
Being Known
1 min readSep 4, 2021


Photo by Thierry Fillieul from Pexels

Find a way to bring
Smiles on cheerless faces
Add colors to life

To feel the real beauties of life we’ve to encourage and help others. Your few words bring a smile to a sad face. And, even a little smile can evoke hope — that brings light to someone’s darker days.

So the amazing power of encouraging words can wrap both the listener and speaker in positive energies.

It’s a way to pay forward for the blessings we have had in life as well as for making room for more blessings.

The haiku is a part of August Writing Prompt Haiku It by Galit Birk, Ph.D.

I was reminded of this lovely prompt by a kind and wonderful writer/poet B.R. Shenoy. While reading her lovely haiku (about photographs), I couldn’t contain a reminiscent smile.

You can read her very fine haiku here,

Thanks for reading!



Fiza Ameen
Being Known

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