Market to the market

Vicky Pandey
Being the Change
Published in
2 min readAug 9, 2016


We are lost. No idea how to reach to the consumer with no or less money. Now we have social medias , search engine, and many more channels but does it really works?

Yes, all works if you organize it systematically!

Nobody buys a product or service just because they want to buy stuff but they purchase because it is solving their problem. First of all you need to know whose problem your product or service is solving.

In juerix case, a jewellery marketplace, solve the problem for two ends. One end is the sellers. Sellers don’t have a place where they can showcase their product except for their own website or offline store. Creating a website is no child game and NOT CHEAP! So juerix provide them with many services like professional photography, a store in juerix, a team to handle their store and do the marketing for them. It’s like the one stop service in a price of candy. On the other side are the buyers. Many of the consumers don’t know what to buy for their girlfriend, wife or mom. Yes, there are many options in the market, a gift as simple as a doll or a bouquet of a flower will make them happy but then you have to make an effort to walk to the store or if you are ordering online it cost a fortune. Juerix is a marketplace where buyers can find all kind of jewelleries within their budget with free shipping till their or their girl’s doorstep.

Step 2 Plan your channels

To work systematically you have to plan your channel. You cannot simply go out there and advertise on every platform available. YOU WILL BE DOOMED! No advertising channel work and it will cost you a fortune.
What juerix is doing is brainstorming and filtering out the least effective and expensive channels. We brainstorm and listed out more than 10 channels to advertise. We just chose 3. What we believe is there is 3 step to make a person buy. Show them, Remind them and give them!

Show them — we show them the ads! We chose facebook and google adword to bring in the traction to juerix.

Remind them — we remind by retargeting the ads. We use adroll to show the ads again on both facebook and banner ads.

Give them — we give them a reason to share with their friends and family. In juerix we have a system where a person A can share a link of product they like to person B and if person B buys person A will get 10% of total purchase person B buys.

In conclusion we chose 3 channels- 1) Google adword, 2) Facebook and 3) Adroll.

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