Writing Has Been My Solace From COVID

And I’m so excited to bring that passion to Being Well

Dr. Hesham A. Hassaballa


Photo by Green Chameleon on Unsplash

Throughout my elementary education, English was my hardest subject. I never knew how to write well, and it was literally a miracle that I did as well as I did. So it’s ironic that — almost 30 years later — writing has become my passion.

I’ve been writing for more than 20 years. From letters to the editor in the Chicago Tribune, NY Times, and Wall Street Journal, to being a local columnist in my hometown newspaper, writing has been a constant in my life. It is my catharsis, my solace, and it has helped me navigate truly dark times in my life.

The pandemic has also been traumatic, and writing about it has been so therapeutic for me. And the amazing team at BeingWell has been very supportive of me and my writing. This publication is top class, and it is the source for competent, cogent writing about health and wellness, written by doctors themselves.

And so, when Robert Turner and Dr. Jeff Livingston asked me to join their team as an editor, I was honored beyond words; and that’s coming from a writer.

I’m so excited to become an editor for BeingWell. I’m so excited to bring my passion for the written word to the pages of BeingWell. We have something so special at BeingWell, and I am looking forward to doing all that I can to make BeingWell the place for health, wellness, and medical writing.

Thank you, BeingWell, for your support and your confidence. Here’s to a bright and amazing future.



Dr. Hesham A. Hassaballa

NY Times featured Pulmonary and Critical Care Specialist | Physician Leader | Author and Blogger | His latest book is “Code Blue,” a medical thriller.