Make this one decision to change your life significantly

Uday Thakur
Bella Vita Tesoro
Published in
3 min readMar 2, 2024

A good friend is a connection to life — Tie to the past, a road to the future, the key to sanity in a totally insane world — Lois Wyse

George is on a journey to improve his life, succeed, and lead a life he can be proud of. Although this journey won't be easy, it's a path he must travel. One decision can significantly change his life.

Make friends with people who want the best for you

Humans are social animals, meaning they build social connections and rely on them to survive and thrive, it's clear that these connections are vital to our lives.

According to a study, we are the average of the 5 people we spend the most time with, Imagine you start a new business, and you tell your friends about it, they choose to put you down and demotivate you by saying mean things about you and your ambitions.

You tell yourself they only want the best for you and don’t want you to lose everything you’ve worked for, statistically, you will be hesitant to try something new or even attempt to grow in any sense that does not align with your group of friends again.

Now imagine you tell your friends about your new business, not only do they support you and wish the best for you, but they even provide you with healthy advice, statistically, not only are you more likely to succeed but you are also motivated to grow in your life.

But if this is true why are people still in toxic relationships?

Psychologically speaking we maintain relationships with these people out of habit rather than need or desire.

Perhaps guilt is a factor or the fear of isolation, maybe you don’t have anyone else significant in your life and the anxiety of losing what you have makes you want to stay put.

The problem is the more you put yourself down the harder it will be to get out, and the more likely you are to stay in toxic relationships, even likely to attract or be involved in toxic relationships in the future, leading you to an unhealthy life.

As we discussed in Following this rule will immediately change your life, you owe it to yourself to choose a better life, by choosing the best for yourself in every action.

Choosing your own happiness is not selfish, its vital.

According to Dr. Henry Cloud, friendships are a cornerstone of personal happiness. Studies have shown that people with strong connections to others live healthier and happier lives.

It is not a surprise that your environment affects you, so it is your responsibility to choose and maintain healthy relationships in your life, even if the need arises to burn a few bridges.

How to you decide what is a healthy friendship?

It is not about how you can find the most healthy friendship, it is about becoming the person you wish to find, you attract what you are, Eat healthy, workout, read, and grow, through this journey, you will find like-minded people.

A healthy friendship supports you, releases stress, keeps you happy, and punishes you when needed. It keeps you grounded while striving together for growth.

The perfect relationship is not found but made.

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I hope you enjoyed reading this blog and that this will make a difference in your life. If you wish to read the book these rules are derived from, check out 12 Rules For Life: An Antidote To Chaos.

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Uday Thakur
Bella Vita Tesoro

Hi, I'm Uday. I've been studying psychology, tech and history for years, most of my content is a combination of what I researched, studied and applied.