Go to Bell Statistics
Bell Statistics
Bell offers advanced analytics services by industry-experienced statisticians, specializing in: A/B Testing, Media Mix Modeling and Geo Tests.
Note from the editor

Bell offers advanced analytics services by industry-experienced statisticians, specializing in: A/B Testing, Media Mix Modeling and Geo Tests.

Go to the profile of Assaf Amichai
Go to the profile of Assaf Amichai
Go to the profile of Amit Sasson | MMM & Geo Test Lead, Bell Statistics
Amit Sasson | MMM & Geo Test Lead, Bell Statistics
Amit is a Causal Inference expert, an experienced statistician who specialized in MMM & Geo Tests, and a proud winner of the #2020EpiCookieChallenge.
Go to the profile of Allon Korem | CEO, Bell Statistics
Allon Korem | CEO, Bell Statistics
Allon is a seasoned executive with over 10 years of experience in statistical analysis and A/B testing methodologies, from companies like: Google & Wix.com.