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Web Software

Ben Shoemate
Ben Shoemate
I design corporate intranets, portals, and web strategies. Co-founder of Base22. Amateur philosopher and science enthusiast.
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Time to take another look at GWT

Cody Burleson and I looked at Google’s Web Development Toolkit (GWT) when it cam out in 2007. We even build some small applications to test it. We liked it because it seemed like a good bridge between the enterprise world of J2EE development and the lightweight, web 2.0…

Windows Live Writer

Wow. As I said in an earlier post I am testing desktop blogging tools today. Since I can not use the firefox only Scribefire plugin because of an apparently unsolvable problem with firefox, I first tried out Qumana and now Windows Live Writer. So far, all I can say is wow…it downloads your…