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Berkeley is Social Impact
Berkeley is Social Impact
UC Berkeley is home to some of the greatest people, initiatives, and institutes working to have a positive social impact in the work. This page collects some of their stories.
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Do Good, Together, with Value — Lessons from High School Entrepreneurs

The Young Entrepreneurs At Haas (YEAH) program recently concluded its 27th year of service to Bay Area high school students. A key component of the program is business plan presentations done by high school…

The Family Impact Canvas — a new tool for change makers

In about six weeks, CSSL will formally launch our new Social Impact Collective, a new community of high net worth families seeking insight, tools and connection to make their giving and impact investing more effective. Our inaugural…

Was the Walmart Pay Raise Real Leadership?

Walmart made waves last week announcing pay increases for their workers. The Wall Street Journal cast this as a pure labor market move — prompted by an increasingly competitive environment for retail workers. Walmart, of course, promoted this as a…