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Best tech books
Best tech books
Reviews of the best books about tech industry and culture, by Charles Miller
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Tech change and society: this time it’s different

Rise of the Robots: Technology and the Threat of a Jobless Future by Martin Ford
 People who are interested in the future of technology tend to believe that its impact on jobs and the economy is, and will be, largely benign. 
 OK, people in…

Your laptop is the culmination of billions of years of evolution

What Technology Wants by Kevin Kelly
Kelly is a distinguished tech journalist (former executive editor of Wired magazine) and knows everyone who’s ever been anyone in Silicon Valley. Like all the best techies of a…

The world we live in

You Are Not a Gadget: A Manifesto by Jaron Lanier
Thoroughly original critique of conventional wisdom about web 2.0 trends: Lanier complains that the idea of a person is degraded by the techonology deployed on social networking sites which effectively fragments us into slivers of ‘content’…

Tech change and society: this time it’s different

Rise of the Robots: Technology and the Threat of a Jobless Future by Martin Ford
People who are interested in the future of technology tend to believe that its impact on jobs and the economy is, and will be, largely benign. 
OK, people in…

Charting a course through the digital world

How to Thrive in the Digital Age by Tom Chatfield
How should we adapt our personal and professional lives to the new tools of digital communication? Answers tend to polarise between hopes that the digital revolution is the answer to all our problems…