Bethereum featured in VentureBeat and Entrepreneur!

Sarah Weiss
Published in
2 min readJul 9, 2018

As is the case with every successful betting platform, marketing is paramount for Bethereum. We invest considerable time, effort and resources into promoting our project and spreading the word about all the stuff that makes us special.

This is why it was a very pleasant surprise for us to discover that Bethereum was the subject of two recent pieces by VentureBeat and Entrepreneur.

Photo by Fauzan Saari

VentureBeat is a popular San Francisco-based technology website that covers topics such as AI, gaming, cloud computing and other cutting edge technologies and their use in business. Their article discussed the recent Supreme Court ruling that allows individual US states to eventually legalize and regulate betting. VentureBeat viewed us very positively:

Combining smart contracts with a distributed ledger makes a lot of sense for the betting industry, but Bethereum also includes gamification.


The piece also mentions our extensive system of B2B partnerships and the business model. You can read about it in more details in our article.

Sports are ripe for disruption, but you’ve gotta have the right tech.


Entrepreneur is an internationally published business magazine that has a history dating back to 1977. In its article about the World Cup, tech and business writer Andrew Medal discusses 5 projects that will positively disrupt the business side of sports. Bethereum gets its own mention as an Blockchain-powered platform that facilitates secure and transparent betting between individuals. The author emphasizes our World Cup game and the draw of millions of Bether tokens as a big advantage. He also envisions much more for blockchain technology: “Perhaps even ticket prices and authentication are occurring via the blockchain, along with personalized feeds of matches available via new blockchain-based video players.”.

We are incredibly honored by having Bethereum covered in two such highly-regarded magazines, and we’d love to continue our hot streak of media coverage through the summer. If you happen to read about a magazine, website or blog that mentions us, please let us know! Even better, if you happen to be a writer or journalist, feel free to review our project and give us honest comments. Feedback is always welcome!

Bethereum is a decentralised, social-betting platform based on Ethereum technology and Smart Contracts. Want to know more? Start here.

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Bethereum Team
Because life is a game

