Our Blueprint

Philemon Viennas
Published in
3 min readJan 12, 2019

Looking forward into 2019

Bethereum ended last year extremely positively. A few important notes from the previous year mentioned in the 2018 Roadmap Recap were; the substantial increase in team size, the renowned recognition of the platform, and the acceptance and high utilization of the first Bethereum Gaming Contest. While impressive, these accomplishments are now embedded in the past. We must now move forward to pursue and achieve greater feats that are more perfectly aligned with the platform’s foremost objects.

Mission and Vision

To understand Bethereum’s future aims, one must also understand the platform’s purpose. Bethereum exists to create transparency, fairness, sociability, and feasibility to the average sports-bettor. No longer will deceitful tactics or complex rules plague these individuals. That being said, the company acknowledges the value of users and closely evaluates their desires. The best method(s) available to achieve the demands of users must be implemented. Bethereum cannot survive without the surrounding community. Satisfying users’ requests to attain the four purposes mentioned is the company’s primary intention.

The mission stated certainly describes Bethereum’s current state, but also aids in molding future aspirations as well. We intend Bethereum to be the premier online gaming platform, not only in sports-betting, but in all gambling contests. We want all novice, experienced bettors, game developers, and established gambling entities to use our platform and software. Most importantly, we desire to create the finest user experience of any technological platform. While these goals may be perceived as overly ambitious, the attainment of such aspirations can and will be realized.


Bethereum has already demonstrated the appeal of its betting platform through the release of various gaming contests (and significant improvements are under works for the next betting game, along with the addition of eSports). Behind the scenes, the team is also working to deliver a superior Blockchain implementation, including innovative use of such technologies as Smart Contracts, token delivery, and side-chains. To this purpose, Bethereum recently entered into a strategic partnership with Aerum, a leader in Blockchain infrastructure solutions. The company is also making preparations for obtaining a reputable betting license, which will add even more credibility and validation to the project.

Bethereum realizes that in order to develop a hard-to-replicate, sustainable competitive advantage, it is not enough to excel at one dimension only: the strategy needs to rest on multiple complementary pillars. It is the combination of superior UX and game design, broad betting content, technical excellence, regulatory compliance, and solid business fundamentals that give Bethereum rock-solid foundations for becoming the most successful project in the Blockchain gaming space.


In the first few months of 2019, we will work diligently to ensure the stability and reliability of the blockchain-based structure which defines our peer-to-peer network. We aim to integrate a successful decentralized, token-based betting and side-chain system with the platform by the fall. In the meantime, we will be releasing new gaming contests and organizing a hackathon! Additionally, we intend to end 2019 having listed Bether on more exchanges and prepared for the public launch of Bethereum.

If you would like to ask us anything or interact with our forever growing community, join one of our Telegram groups in your language.

In addition, if you like what we are doing and would like to stay updated, signup for our newsletter.

Like what you see? Support the project and buy BETHER on Coinbene today!



Philemon Viennas

Co-Founder of Phuble (social media platform for investors), Founder of Vuuple (blockchain-based cloud storage application), Mobile game developer (Vuuple Games)