The BETHER loyalty program (Airdrop)

Join the Bethereans

Robert Herman
3 min readSep 25, 2018


We’re ecstatic about all your positive feedback on the new and advanced gaming platform released last month. The stakes are high as we’ve entered the last month of the betting competition and players are climbing up the leaderboard. To celebrate the recent milestone of over 200-thousand bets placed we have also prepared something very special for our most loyal supporters, who have been with us since the beginning and have joined the family of Betherean’s for the long run! Are you ready to stock up on some more tokens?

The link for the Loyalty program will be available soon…

End of November you can register your wallet for the loyalty program on the new Bethereum community page. Snapshots will be made every 2 months to verify the wallets eligibility for the upcoming airdrop.

The total amount of tokens airdropped each month will increase by 700 BETHER tokens per eligible registration.


All token holders with more than 3000 BETHER tokens are eligible for the Airdrops. This excludes the team, advisors and partners. The Bethereum team reserves the right to make changes and adjustments to the Token Holding Program.

You can join using your account or create a new one if necessary. Please don’t forget to add your BETHER wallet after joining.

Splitting BETHER tokens into multiple wallets or creating multiple accounts will be detected and punished by disqualification.


For every person joining the Token Holding Program. the Airdrop pool will be increased by 700 BETHERs. Bethereum will make automatic Airdrops to loyal token holders every two months for an indefinite period.

A pool of BETHER tokens will be distributed to token holders with more than 3000 BETHER tokens, based on the formula in the section below.

We will create snapshots of the wallets randomly around the dates of the Airdrops to determine allocations, so be sure to keep your BETHER tokens in your wallet. Token transfers 2 days before and after the snapshots aren’t allowed.

Calculate your Airdrop allocation

Each Airdrop will be distributed to eligible wallets who’s owners will receive an allocation of BETHER proportionate to their stake in the total amount of BETHER held by all eligible wallets. This will be calculated using the following formula:

Allocation = Total Airdrop Amount * Number of BETHER held (You) / Total Number of BETHER held

If your Airdrop allocation is below 500 BETHER tokens, it will be carried over to the next Airdrop period. Tokens will be sent automatically within a few days after the Airdrop dates.


  • Hold more than 3000 BETHER tokens at registration / snapshot
  • Every new registered user increases the Total Airdrop Amount by 700 BETHER tokens
  • Splitting tokens into multiple wallets and creating multiple accounts will result in disqualification
  • Your airdrop allocation = Total Airdrop Amount * Number of BETHER held (You) / Total Number of BETHER held
  • Snapshots every 2 months
  • Outgoing BETHER token transfers 2 days before and after the snapshots aren’t allowed
  • Register using your account

Bethereum is a decentralised, social-betting platform based on Ethereum technology and Smart Contracts. Want to know more? Start here.

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