Brazil-Belgium on World Cup 2018. Match Highlights.

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2 min readJul 8, 2018


The meeting of Belgium and Brazil was one of the most anticipated! These teams on mundiale showed high level football, gradually coming to the peak of its form. It was expected that it was their personal meeting that would become that peak.

The 13th minute. Chadli from the corner hung on the near post, where Jesus prevented Fernandinho from playing at the end, and the ball from the shoulder of the midfielder “City” flew into the goal of Alison.


At the 31st minute Lukaku caught the ball in his half of the field, ran away from Fernandinho and played on De Bruyne, who broke through to the penalty area and kicked the ball into the far corner. The score is 0:2, and Brazil is on the edge of being kicked off from the Tournament.


1 minute added to the first half. The first half of the match is over.

The 76th minute. Coutinho ran to the penalty area of Belgium and take a famous long-pass to Augusto, who sent the ball with header to the very corner, Courtois did not reach!


5 minutes added to the main time, Brazil in the attack.

On the 4th added minute, Neimar take a good kick and Courtois pulled the ball from under the crossbar.

The referee gives a whistle and Belgium wins.

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