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50 Questions Happy And Confident People Ask Themselves Regularly

“The art and science of asking questions is the source of all knowledge.” — Thomas Berger

Benjamin Hardy, PhD
Published in
4 min readJan 23, 2024


Your progress in life is directly tied to the depth of the questions you’re willing to ask yourself, and the honesty with which you answer those questions.

As Tony Robbins said in Awaken the Giant Within, “Quality questions create a quality life.”

Pull out your journal. Write notes, ideas and impressions. Really think through these questions.

You’ll amaze and inspire even yourself.

Part 1 — Reflect & Ponder

1. What are the key GAINS you’ve made so far this month?

2. From the last 10 days, what are the most tangible evidences of your own progress?

3. Where did you make intangible, internal progress?

4. What power moves did you make?

5. What “deep work” did you do? (a phrase coined by Cal Newport)

6. Where have you made very important connections?

7. Where have you created nonlinear and surprising transformations you weren’t expecting?

8. How have you made progress in your morning routine?

9. How are you a different person than yourself last month?

10. How are you a different person than yourself last year?

11. How are you different in capability and lifestyle than you were even last month?

12. What are your values now, compared to back then?

13. What the “average experiences” you’re pursuing now, compared to back then?

14. How are you different?

15. How is your situation different?

16. How is your confidence different?

17. How is your identity different?

18. How is your “Definiteness of Purpose” different? (a phrase coined by Napoleon Hill)

19. What can you do now that wasn’t possible for you to do last month, considering the progress you’ve made?

Part 2 — Dream & Create

20. Are your days increasingly playing out exactly how you want them to be?

21. Are you waking up when you want to wake up?

22. Are you rushed, or relaxed? Why or why not?

23. Are you free? (for more on this topic, read the book Already Free)

24. Are you dedicating your days, your weeks, and your months to things you totally want to be doing?

25. Or, are you spending huge amounts of time on things you thought you needed, but don’t ultimately want?

26. Does your life look the way you want it to on a daily basis?

27. Or, if you had a choice, would you be doing something else?

28. What is that something else?

29. To what extent can you renegotiate with reality?

Part 3 — Weed Out The Un-Important:

30. Where can you readjust your reality and your schedule to better reflect your desired life?

31. Where are the things in your life that are the “80%?” What is your 80%?

(This is a reference to the 80/20 rule, that dictates that 80% of your efforts are only causing 20% of your results. By eliminating the 80%, you free yourself up to focus only on the 20% of things that bring nearly all of your results. For details on this transformative process, read 10x Is Easier Than 2x.)

32. Are there situations, jobs, or relationships that you’re holding on to but don’t really want?

33. Why do you think you need them? Are you afraid of the consequences? Are you approaching them out of fear or courage?

34. Where can you let things go of, or redesign things?

35. Where can you reset your schedule so it increasingly looks exactly how you want to?

36. Is your life a reflection of your future self?

Part 4 — Go Big.

“How can you achieve your ten year plan in six months?” — Peter Thiel

37. Do you want to live like this?

38. Or, do you want to renegotiate some of this stuff and let some of this stuff go that might pass off that was important?

39. Do you need to re-emphasize something you didn’t realize was so important until it got neglected?

40. What is the #1 result you’re definite and committed to in this year?

41. Are you excited about your result?

42. How would your life change if you got that result?

43. How could you live a year’s worth of life this month?

44. What would that actually look like?

45. How could you have the greatest recovery ever of your life this month?

46. How could you have the highest performance and power moves ever this month?

47. Could you actually achieve your 10-year plan in six months?

48. Are you letting your goals shape the process, and not vice versa?

49. What would you not be able to do if you were bold, direct, courageous, and innovative?

50. Why not you?



Benjamin Hardy, PhD
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