How To Build a Serverless API With DynamoDB, AWS Lambda, and API Gateway

AWS all the things!

Andrew Bestbier
AVM Consulting Blog


Last week I wrote a guide to building a simple Serverless API . This piece goes into more depth by building a fully functional Serverless CRUD API that utilises DynamoDB. In this guide, we’ll build an API that has the following operations:

  • GET /books
  • POST /books
  • GET /books/{id}
  • PUT /books/{id}
  • DELETE /books/{id}

This tutorial will use mainly use the AWS User Interface. If you want to read a guide on how to build this app with Infrastructure as Code, please see my article here.

Technologies Used

This guide uses the following technologies:

Database Setup

Log in to AWS and navigate to the DynamoDB service. Then click Create table:



Andrew Bestbier
AVM Consulting Blog

Hi! I am a JavaScript developer based in London. I love reading and writing about JavaScript, AWS and all things coding.