How women can enhance a man’s Life and Purpose Part 2

Better Relationships
6 min readSep 4, 2015

“As a woman ,
You have no idea how your presence influences and changes him.
It will shift his experience and chemically alter his cells in ways you and he can’t explain.
He won’t show it much because men process so internally. They are so good at keeping their inner works hidden and protected.
Your presence has the power to make him into the man he wants to be. Without you doing anything.
It’s your presence. No trying. Your smile. It feeds him.
You don’t have to do a damn thing…
I promise.” — Lauren Sheehan

This is a follow-up to my earlier article here.

I would like to start off by showing this movie scene from The Adjustment Bureau! In fact, the entire movie is about how this woman was placed strategically at this point in a man’s life to inspire him to give one of the most incredible speeches of his life!

First watch the scene of their first meeting:

Now watch the speech that this encounter inspired:

The whole movie was about how he was never supposed to meet her again. She was there just to inspire that amazing speech! But somehow, a ‘mistake’ was made by the “Adjustment Bureau” and he ended up meeting her again.

Anyways, that brings up how women have inspired amazing creativity in my own life!

For example, that woman that I mentioned in Part 1?

Well, the next day, I woke up at 1:30am in the morning and wrote 3 high-quality articles in 3 hours! People are giving me rave reviews for them!

And even after those 3 hours, I still could not sleep! So I walked over to the lake at the park across the street from my home. I had never been there at dawn before! It was so beautiful! And I felt the most relaxed I had ever been! It was one of the sweetest moments of my life! She was the Gift that kept on giving even when she wasn’t around!

And this system I created for quickly dissolving pain in your body without pain-killers? That too was inspired by a woman! It was inspired by my desire to be better at being a source of emotional stability for her!

One morning, I was in that half-asleep dreamy state when I was thinking about her and my desire to be better at stabilizing her. I was also thinking about all the times in my life I was able to heal my own physical pain without painkillers…and…bam!

The entire article and the entire system came through me! I felt an urgent call to write it all down! And I wrote it in 5 minutes! And it eventually ended up getting published in the Elephant Journal, my first publication there!

A few months later, I was in a phone conversation with this same woman one night. Before we got off the phone, her last words to me were: “I will dream about you tonight, okay?”

Well, the next morning, I had the most beautiful, powerful dream of my life! It was a Destiny Dream!

In that dream, I saw an infinite open book made of Light. A circle of women were standing and floating above it. These women were sending rays of Light into the book! Everything was so bright! So bright!

I knew immediately what the book represented: two of my projects I was struggling to create! The dream meant to me that all the women in my life wanted me to create these two websites I was envisioning! This is because all the women in the dream represented all the women in my life including that woman with whom I had spoken on the phone the previous night!

At first, I was observing all this. Then I merged with the book. I became one with the book! That’s when I myself started receiving all the energy of Light from the women!

And man! I felt so energized, turned on, aroused, joyful, ecstatic! The level of joy and fulfillment I had never experienced before!

And it was no longer just a dream! I was feeling all that energy in my very waking physical body too!

And once I woke up from that dream at 5 in the morning, I knew immediately what to do!

I immediately went to my laptop and created the Guided Meditation for SacredRage.Com in one take! I also finished creating that entire site in one hour!

It also fueled me to start the process of creating Emotional-Alchemy.Com which I am still working on creating.

Watch this video where I help you feel at least a taste of what I felt in that dream:

Of course, it works even better when there is an alignment of Heart-Virtues, but that’s a topic for another article or maybe even Part 3! Or I may end up creating an online course on this if there is enough demand! So let me know! Thank you!

I hope this has inspired women to be Muse to men, and motivated men to inspire women to become their Muses!

Indeed, men can play a huge role in this:

Now take a look at the picture below. Tune into your body. Tune into your felt-sense. How does your body response? See if you can feel the Muse-energy coming from this pic!

And if you’re a woman, see if you can feel the Masculine Stability coming from the picture below because that is how men inspire women to become their Muse! This does not even have to be in an intimate relationship! It can even happen through just one encounter alone as it did for me with that woman I described in my previous article!

Also watch the movies “Xanadu” and “Don Jon” for further reference!

I leave you with this video:

About the Author Kundan Chhabra:

Kundan Chhabra provides Emotional Alchemy, which is the art of transforming your Emotional Pain into fuel for your Passion and Life Purpose.

He does this via “Breakthrough Awakening”, the ground-breaking Consciousness Technology he invented. He created this technology after making the incredible discovery that there are actually 6 Levels of Knowing Yourself.

He also created the revolutionary relationship model that he calls “the Museship”.

It was his own pain and struggle with depression, suicidal thoughts and bad relationships that led him to these discoveries and inventions.

He also created the course, “7 Keys to Resolve Conflicts in Relationships”, published on the DailyOm platform, which has 1.2 million subscribers.

Kundan also recently started a project called “My Surrender Experiment: 30 Days of Surrender: Creativity in Service of Life!”.

He is teaching a workshop on September 13th, 2015 in Irvine on “How to Get Over Bad Boys, Nice Guys and Female Drama”

He is committed to fully living his Heart-Virtue of “Divinity, Awakening and Sovereignty”.

He also helps you unlock your Heart-Virtue, which is the Unique Energy Signature of your Heart, your Heart-Print, what you were born for and what you’re willing to die for. It’s therefore the one thing that is completely non-negotiable and completely unavailable to manipulation. It is also what gives you the deepest level of fulfillment and the kind of moments that is described in the following video. The power of knowing your Heart-Virtue is that these beautiful moments don’t have to be accidents any more: you can build your life around it!

Click here to subscribe to Kundan’s VIP community and receive the following gifts:

Free video report on the revolutionary relationship model he has created

Three Questions to help you feel better immediately

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Click here to receive Emotional Alchemy, Breakthrough Awakening and go through the 6 Levels of Knowing Yourself.



Better Relationships

Creator of "the Alignment Code" & “Mental Kung Fu” for deep long-term fulfillment+clear boundaries: helping visionaries express their most meaningful idea yet!