My Surrender Experiment

Better Relationships
7 min readAug 29, 2015

30 Days of Surrender: Creativity in Service of Life!

Gratitude is the basis of this video-project.

It’s all about being in so much awe and gratitude at what Life has gifted me with!

It took 13.8 billion years for this moment to exist right now.

It took billions of people and trillions of stuff happening for this moment to exist for you right now.

It took the entire Universe for this moment to exist!

For example, think about what it took for you to see the food on the table before you:

The farmers, the food-truck-drivers, the people who manufactured those trucks, the grocery-store clerks, the builders who built the grocery-store, the architects who designed it, the business-owner, the people who made the plates for your food, the people who made the chair you sit on, the table where the food sits, and so much more! It’s so mind-boggling to think about!

So the only valid response is: How can I serve Life? How can I be completely surrendered and be a Vessel of Life?

How can I be an instrument of the Divine every moment of my life?

So I made a decision to document on video what it’s like to live life from a completely surrendered place of Inspiration and Creativity, simply serving Life, and letting Life live through me and AS me!

This may take the form of dance, singing, painting, drawing, or even just talking into the camera. What I do doesn’t actually matter because this is demonstrating what it’s like to live from BEing.

I publicly declared in front of 300 people that I would do this for 30 days.

Watch my public declaration video below because it felt so powerful and amazing for me to make that Public Declaration even though I was so scared to do it at first. And it shows in a deeper way why I am so passionate about this:

Then please start by watching the video below. This video is by Michael A. Singer, author of “The Surrender Experiment”. This book and this video are the inspirations behind this project. That’s why I’d like you to watch this video:

Also watch the video by Kyle Cease below because this video was also a huge influence behind this project:

In this moment, right now, there is the You that you think you are: the voice in your head that is constantly stating its preferences: I like this. I don’t like that. That shirt is cool! That’s disgusting! WHOA! Look at that sunset! That’s beautiful!

Then there is the You that is observing all this, sitting back in stillness, attaching no meaning, no preference.

It is therefore able to give infinite meaning to every event.

This further enables it to see infinite possibility in every moment, and therefore is infinitely aware and infinitely capable!

Go to the beach or the park. Then do this exercise of just noticing that the voice in your head is not you. Ask Nature for help. Ask the trees and the Ocean to help you see this. Mama Earth will hug you, cradle you and love on you until you see this so clearly! Be open to receive!

Honestly, just being able to hear the voice in your head, and observe it as separate from you, thus no longer attaching your Identity to it: that’s a game-changer!

Next step, completely surrender to your True Self that is always free, resourceful and infinitely abundant. It’s having a good time all day long! It has all the solutions to all the challenges of the world including your own life!

As you surrender, start doing something creative: move, write, doodle, sing, chant, pray, love…let It move you, let it love you, let It BE you!

From now on, your life will NEVER be the same!

You’re free! FREEEEDOMMMMMM!!!!!!

Watch the Day 1 video for an example of what that freedom feels like:

Watch the Day 2 video here:

And in this Day 6 video, I talk about the creative part of you that is whole, free and having a good time all day long! It knows that it gets better. It knows how amazing this moment really is. That’s because It sees what we don’t see: what amazing powerful treasures we are!

It is this creative part of me that I am surrendering to in every video in this series!

Watch it because it has moved some people to tears! And so, it might move you too!

Day 9 involved leaving these insightful inspirational cards on car-windshields, bus stops and the grocery-store:

To watch the rest of the videos, click here.

Out of everything I’ve ever done, this Surrender Experiment has been consistently the most fulfilling for me. This is how I expressed when it was only Day 5 (and I am now on Day 20 at the time of this writing):

“It’s one thing to read a book. It’s a whole other thing to LIVE it! For the past 5 days, I’ve been living my own Surrender Experiment.

And I intend to continue living this way for at least the next 25 days!

Who knows?

Maybe just like the author of “The Surrender Experiment”, I too will live this way for the next 40 years!

After having a taste of how wonderful living this way is, how could I desire anything else?

Everything Rumi said, I get it now, at a level of depth I didn’t get before:

“I am bewildered by the magnificence of your beauty
and wish to see you with a hundred eyes.

My heart has burned with passion and has searched forever
for this wondrous beauty I now behold…””

The Moment That Originally Inspired my Surrender Experiment (besides the book Itself):

I had an intense spontaneous purging session in my yard one day because I fully surrendered myself to some greater power unknown, to Life itself!

My whole body was shaking intensely and moving in ways spontaneously it had probably never moved before! I just let it do its thing.

I went through a range of emotions, letting each one go…

And then there was this simple sweet peace and stillness…

And then I made this simple and profound realization:

All we’ve ever wanted from each other (and ourselves) ultimately is to share beautiful emotions with each other.

That is at the root of our Desire.

That is Desire in its purest form.

We just want to feel good.

How that looks could take the form of sex, friendships, touch, hugs, kisses, silence, anything at all.

It is our attachment to a particular form and to how long that form lasts that creates so much suffering.

Do you realize you could feel so much joy merely from somebody’s very presence alone if we’re open to receiving it?


let go

let go

into the freedom of Being!





Another Powerful Realization I had in that Powerful Moment of Clarity Above:

The easiest way to remain in the Resourceful Creator-Space (instead of our programming) is to keep surrendering to Inspiration, keep surrendering to the Flow of Life, and then to let it keep creating through us.

This could take the form of dance, music, singing, writing, painting, drawing, doodling or even just speaking random stuff into a recorder.

It doesn’t matter what form it takes (although for me, it’s mainly movement).

And it’s truly liberating because this art is for me and me alone. So, I don’t have to give a fuck about anybody’s approval.

I am what I love, not what loves me.

What I have got from my Surrender Experiment so far:

I can live in trust, abundance and deep inner quiet joy every moment no matter what else I am feeling.

That is, even if I have painful emotions going through me, there will always be the feeling of contentment and fulfillment as a baseline.

This is because I often choose to surrender to the resourceful abundant creative part of me that is having a good time all day long!

I am more creative and joyful than ever before!

I always have more resources than I realize!


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About the author:

Kundan Chhabra provides Emotional Alchemy, which is the art of transforming your Emotional Pain into fuel for your Passion and Life Purpose

He does this via “Breakthrough Awakening”, the ground-breaking Consciousness Technology he invented. He created this technology after making the incredible discovery that there are actually 6 Levels of Knowing Yourself.

He also created the revolutionary relationship model that he calls “the Museship”.

It was his own pain and struggle with depression, suicidal thoughts and bad relationships that led him to these discoveries and inventions.

He also created the course, “7 Keys to Resolve Conflicts in Relationships”, published on the DailyOm platform, which has 1.2 million subscribers.

Kundan also recently started a project called “My Surrender Experiment: 30 Days of Surrender: Creativity in Service of Life!”.

He is teaching a workshop on September 13th, 2015 in Irvine on “How to Get Over Bad Boys, Nice Guys and Female Drama”.

He has a Youtube channel called “Mind-Blowing-Mondays” that teaches useful intriguing information such as “The One and Only Thing the Modern Woman Needs from a Man: 8 Ways to Provide this for her.”

He is committed to fully living his Heart-Virtue of “Divinity, Awakening and Sovereignty”.

He also helps you unlock your Heart-Virtue, which is the Unique Energy Signature of your Heart, your Heart-Print, what you were born for and what you’re willing to die for. It’s therefore the one thing that is completely non-negotiable and completely unavailable to manipulation. It is also what gives you the deepest level of fulfillment and the kind of moments that is described in the following video. The power of knowing your Heart-Virtue is that these beautiful moments don’t have to be accidents any more: you can build your life around it!

Click here to subscribe to Kundan’s VIP community and receive the following gifts:

Free video report on the revolutionary relationship model he has created

Three Questions to help you feel better immediately

and more!

Also watch this video below for more on Heart-Virtues:



Better Relationships

Creator of "the Alignment Code" & “Mental Kung Fu” for deep long-term fulfillment+clear boundaries: helping visionaries express their most meaningful idea yet!