ONE STEP AT A TIME: How Small Changes Can Better Your Life

J Mercer
Published in
4 min readMar 18, 2024
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

Embarking on a journey of self-improvement can seem daunting. We naturally desire big change and monumental results. The path to bettering your life doesn’t always demand substantial change. It often begins with simple and intentional steps that gradually create fulfilling results.

One step at a time…

Reflect and Focus on Gratitude

Gratitude is a powerful component of enhancing well-being. Dedicate just a few moments each day to reflect and acknowledge the areas in your life for which you are grateful. Journaling is an effective tool for practicing gratitude, enabling you to focus on the positive. While negativity may be present in your surroundings, remember that your outlook remains in your control. By creating habits of gratitude, we are better equipped to feel empowered and gracious.

Prioritize You Through Self-Care

This small step seems intimidating for most, but it is critical to recognize that prioritizing your needs is not a selfish act. Self-compassion and self-care help to create balance in our lives and embracing these enables us to truly acknowledge our needs. These acts look different for everyone. Whether it involves sitting outside taking in the fresh air for ten minutes daily or indulging in activities that allow you to nourish your mind, body, and spirit — identify and incorporate habits that prioritize you as an individual. Simple steps such as these can create replenished energy and a clear mind. Find what this looks like for you and implement one small habit at a time.

Embrace Discovery

The endless opportunity to learn is a blessing in the dynamic world we live in. These opportunities are plentiful, and lifelong learning enriches the mind in such beneficial ways. Whether through reading, learning new skills, practicing a craft, or taking a course, each learning opportunity can propel you toward personal growth. Challenge yourself to embrace discovery to provide intellectual stimulation. The act alone of challenging oneself can boost serotonin and cultivate happiness. By implementing learning and discovery in your life, you are creating ways to enhance creativity and improve your problem-solving abilities, supporting your journey toward well-being.

Focus on Meaningful Connections

Human connection holds the ability to enhance overall emotional well-being. Invest time and effort in the authentic relationships that mean the most to you, actively listening and empathizing with those around you. Reflect on the connections within your life that inspire you, and welcome new connections that align with your goals of growth. Connection helps to support a sense of belonging, something we naturally desire as humans. While it is vital to appreciate meaningful connections, it is equally important to identify those that negatively impact your well-being. Prioritizing oneself requires us to truly understand our needs, and this includes consideration of our surroundings.

Practice Mindful Living

Mindfulness is a cornerstone of emotional well-being. The practice of mindfulness can create an inner peace that provides clarity and comfort in our daily lives. In the fast-paced world we live in, it is common to get caught up in forward momentum while losing touch with the present moment. There are many benefits to mindfulness, and practices such as meditation, breathing exercises, and self-reflection are small steps we can take toward greater awareness.

Small steps, big journey. Recognize that the path to bettering your life is an ongoing journey. There is no finish line, and you are in charge of the goals. Accomplish the small steps and commend your progress. Small yet meaningful changes can help to create a life filled with purpose, joy, and fulfillment. Be kind to yourself, celebrate victories of all sizes, and move forward with an improved resilience. Remember that progress is not always linear and setbacks are a natural part of any growth. As you take one step at a time toward bettering your life, may you find time to pause and relish in the beauty of living a life aligned with your morals and aspirations.

“Good things take time, Better things take a little longer.”

About the Author:

Jenna is a seasoned writer, editor, and content strategist residing along the captivating coast of North Carolina. With a wealth of experience in various literary domains, Jenna has refined her expertise in crafting impactful content, particularly in the realms of Psychology and Healthcare. It is in this space where her passions, background, and experiences seamlessly intertwine. As an active advocate in patient support, childhood cancer research, mental health, and disability awareness, Jenna dedicates her work primarily to pieces that raise awareness and bring advocacy to those seeking a voice.

Jenna’s commitment to making a difference through literature is deeply rooted in her personal journey as a mother to a childhood cancer and chronic illness warrior. Believing in the profound impact of words, Jenna channels her conviction into each collaboration, striving to evoke emotion, foster empathy, promote understanding, and drive positive change. Her heart and mission are the driving forces behind every piece she collaborates on.

Jenna is a part of many non-profits and efforts within the healthcare community. She welcomes communication from readers who wish to share their stories. If you have a story to share, wish to inquire about collaboration, or have questions about the content/services she offers, please direct all inquiries to her email at

Beyond doing this for work — I have a passion for awareness and advocacy in Mental Health. I believe that we can make a difference and drive positive change in this field. ‘Buy me a coffee’ to help support my freelance efforts, and reach out if you wish to collaborate!



J Mercer

Writer/Editor/Content Strategist. Specializing in Psychology, Mental Health, Healthcare, Patient Advocacy.