Review: Grouch

Back to The World of Underhill

Between The Pages


Grouch Cover Kindle

Stars 4/5

I love this book, it’s another great book from the goblin world but this one was a much harder read. The abuse mentioned in this book is hard to swallow. It’s also really triggering for survivors sometimes.

The character development is fantastic. We see different sides to both Drew and Grouch who were also in Grunge which I absolutely loved. You can see my review here. I wasn’t a huge fan of Grouch while reading the first book. He seemed cold and standoffish and hard to relate to.

Grouch gave a different view of both Grouch and Underhill which I really enjoyed. I got to understand why Grouch was who he was. We also get to see more of Underhill, it’s landmarks, politics and it’s citizens.
Grouch made me realize that I would love to have a book that is focused within Underhill instead of in the human realm.

The writing within the Goblin books is excellent. The author clearly has a well fleshed out world and a great cast of characters. My only wish is that they would create a series rather than stand alone books within the same world. I feel like that would help readers connect to the world in a deeper way. I struggle with getting into it and staying in it because the books don’t really connect to each other. You can read one…



Between The Pages

I write about community, living with a disability, politics and people.